Sunday, December 20, 2009
Can I Use An Ovie Garden Gift Card At Longhorn
Waiting "Morphine" 100 Years of Italian comic

"Morphine" is the title of the book Gaia Tarini, for which I made these illustrations.
The editorial project of the publishing house Eumeswil, is a short novel that takes advantage of
collaboration of various Italian designers.
Morphine is the title of the book of Gaia Tarini, Which I Made for These illustrations.The editorial project of the publishing house Eumeswil, is a short novel That Takes advantage of the collaboration of Several Italian artists
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Reception Translate In Spanish
domenica 22 novembre 2009
ORATORIO DI SANTA CATERINA (via del Carota, Ponte a Ema - Firenze)
L'Associazione Culturale “Gruppo Teatrale Mìmesis” in collaborazione con “Cambiamusica!”
presentano la performance
All'origine della cristianità: è un mosaico che ricompone le tessere di un filone di pensiero, il pensiero mistico occidentale, che attraversa e talvolta – anche se non sempre - accompagna la riflessione cristiana più tradizionale sul tema dell'amore, fin dai primi secoli dopo Cristo. L'amore mistico è un amore “difficile”, a volte celebrato, sometimes feared by the ecclesiastical authorities during the Middle Ages, because it is a total love, which could worry about the Church at the time represented the man who loves God in celebration of the absolute loss of self, of his reason, his control. Sometimes indeed the man of faith stricter feared that the glorification of the mystical impetus was exciting - all these and lived as a deeply human - and the strong momentum towards the final reunification with the source which is God, the involvement of all directions: carnal passion and intellectual at the same time, the merger - and never mortification - the flesh and spirit, recapture of an almost instinctive, ancestral "Primitive" to love and then to know God and man's place in the earthly world. "Knowing" the world is a way to learn to "love" in the mystical, because the world is present, strong and indelible mark on the manifestation of God Himself.
And the path that we intend to propose to present this aspect of mystical thought: the vision of a man who "learns" to "love" from scratch, undoing any superstructure, "relearn" a new language, basic, archetypal, as a child learns to speak, read, write, and is so happy to show his "being" in world made of fragments and flashes, visions short but very dense and fleeting images, sounds primitive and powerful that echo the very origin of the 'human being' and with it the birth of his spirituality, his "being natural" and together " God, with all his body, with all his intellect, with all his might, without reservation, without fear of death, without fear of "love."
Simon Rovinsky
Actors, speaking voices and vocal sounds: Valentina Berti and Simon Rovinsky
Percussion: Phillip Daidone
soundtracks composition and sound processing: Thomas Selvetti
staging: Cristina Casini
Coordination: Luca Longo
Dramaturgy and direction: Simone Rovida and Valentina Berti
fragment from (in order of performance):
The Holy Bible, "The Song of Songs"
S. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), Canticle of the Creatures
Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), "washed women's feet and hands of men ..." (from the washing of the feet)
Blessed John van Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), "The man opens up and expands, its veins are wide open ..." (from The ornament of spiritual marriage)
Jacopone (1236-1306), "Amor, amor , Iesu ..."( from Canzoniere)
Richard Rolle (m.1369), 'I thought such a heat that could not happen to any man in this exile ...", (from The Fire of Love)
S. Gertrude (1256-1303), "O loving, teach me to praise you ..."( from Life)
Holy Grail (reduction from French poem by Robert de Boron, XIII sec.)" They brought our Lord Joseph of Arimathea to the cell ... "
John Tauler (1300-1361)," Sometimes it happens that a dog reaches the deer ... "(from the Sermons)
S. Hildegarde von Bingen (1098-1179), "The most splendid form of a light-colored sapphire man ...", (from Scivias, Book II, Vision II)
S. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), "I went to visit colui che sapete...”, dalle Lettere (Conforto a un condannato a morte)
S. Bernardo (1090-1153), “Non esiterei a chiamar beato o santo...”, (da Felicità dell'amore beatifico)
domenica 22 novembre 2009
ORATORIO DI SANTA CATERINA (via del Carota, Ponte a Ema - Firenze)
L'Associazione Culturale “Gruppo Teatrale Mìmesis” in collaborazione con “Cambiamusica!”
presentano la performance
All'origine della cristianità: è un mosaico che ricompone le tessere di un filone di pensiero, il pensiero mistico occidentale, che attraversa e talvolta – anche se non sempre - accompagna la riflessione cristiana più tradizionale sul tema dell'amore, fin dai primi secoli dopo Cristo. L'amore mistico è un amore “difficile”, a volte celebrato, sometimes feared by the ecclesiastical authorities during the Middle Ages, because it is a total love, which could worry about the Church at the time represented the man who loves God in celebration of the absolute loss of self, of his reason, his control. Sometimes indeed the man of faith stricter feared that the glorification of the mystical impetus was exciting - all these and lived as a deeply human - and the strong momentum towards the final reunification with the source which is God, the involvement of all directions: carnal passion and intellectual at the same time, the merger - and never mortification - the flesh and spirit, recapture of an almost instinctive, ancestral "Primitive" to love and then to know God and man's place in the earthly world. "Knowing" the world is a way to learn to "love" in the mystical, because the world is present, strong and indelible mark on the manifestation of God Himself.
And the path that we intend to propose to present this aspect of mystical thought: the vision of a man who "learns" to "love" from scratch, undoing any superstructure, "relearn" a new language, basic, archetypal, as a child learns to speak, read, write, and is so happy to show his "being" in world made of fragments and flashes, visions short but very dense and fleeting images, sounds primitive and powerful that echo the very origin of the 'human being' and with it the birth of his spirituality, his "being natural" and together " God, with all his body, with all his intellect, with all his might, without reservation, without fear of death, without fear of "love."
Simon Rovinsky
Actors, speaking voices and vocal sounds: Valentina Berti and Simon Rovinsky
Percussion: Phillip Daidone
soundtracks composition and sound processing: Thomas Selvetti
staging: Cristina Casini
Coordination: Luca Longo
Dramaturgy and direction: Simone Rovida and Valentina Berti
fragment from (in order of performance):
The Holy Bible, "The Song of Songs"
S. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), Canticle of the Creatures
Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), "washed women's feet and hands of men ..." (from the washing of the feet)
Blessed John van Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), "The man opens up and expands, its veins are wide open ..." (from The ornament of spiritual marriage)
Jacopone (1236-1306), "Amor, amor , Iesu ..."( from Canzoniere)
Richard Rolle (m.1369), 'I thought such a heat that could not happen to any man in this exile ...", (from The Fire of Love)
S. Gertrude (1256-1303), "O loving, teach me to praise you ..."( from Life)
Holy Grail (reduction from French poem by Robert de Boron, XIII sec.)" They brought our Lord Joseph of Arimathea to the cell ... "
John Tauler (1300-1361)," Sometimes it happens that a dog reaches the deer ... "(from the Sermons)
S. Hildegarde von Bingen (1098-1179), "The most splendid form of a light-colored sapphire man ...", (from Scivias, Book II, Vision II)
S. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), "I went to visit colui che sapete...”, dalle Lettere (Conforto a un condannato a morte)
S. Bernardo (1090-1153), “Non esiterei a chiamar beato o santo...”, (da Felicità dell'amore beatifico)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How To Get Off White Fondant

E 'on sale, with the initiative of the Gazzetta dello Sport, the volume "Chronicles of the future" dedicated to
Nathan Never. Within the color reprint of the giant "Rebels of Mars"
More information: http://www.gazzetta.it/iniziative/centenariofumetti/
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Gym Contract Templates Free
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Bach Flower Remedy Emphazema
Healthiest Yogurt Market
When Leasing A Van When Your Selfemployed
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pioneer Super Tuner Daux
OPEN .... Sunday, September 27 is replicated to the Source of the Fata Morgana!
Dopo il successo di giugno. ci è stato chiesto di replicare l'evento nella suggestiva cornice della Fonte della Fata Morgana: "Di strada...fiabe da tutto il mondo" parteciperà alla rassegna "Teatri Aperti" di settembre. Chi fosse interessato dovrà fare una tessera al costo di 5 euro (presso qualsiasi teatro di Firenze) che gli consentirà di partecipare gratuitamente non solo a questo ma a tutti gli eventi all'interno della rassegna, che involves all the theaters of Florence and its province. Anyone interested in the show to the Source dela Fata Morgana, please write to gruppomimesis@yahoo.it because places are limited and you can participate by appointment only. The event will be held Sunday, September 27 from 15:30 ale 21.30, every 45 minutes. Shuttle service to the Source, departing from Piazza Grassina, is mandatory and included in the price of the card. Hasten!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Wash Out Hair Dye For Sale

Mimesis Group in collaboration with the Blue Knight and Asocarne Cambiamusica
have the
Entry is by invitation
STREET ... fairy tales from around the world
a source ... a fairy ... a moonless night ... a summer solstice
"Above the vessel, which receives the water, is a beautiful young girl nude, marble, made by Giambologna, actually go out of a cave, and a dainty hand is at chest and the other supports a marine basin, which lies inalzandosi water in the vase, which seems to quicksilver, and this beautiful woman for Fata Morgana (which was formerly named this source) and figures "(Raffaello Borghini, The Rest , description of Ninfeo Grassina, 1584)
La Fonte della Fata Morgana, also known as House of the Fairies, is a Ninfeo, a small building erected by the late sixteenth Bernardo Vecchietti between 1573 and 1574 in the grounds of his villa at the foot of witches (which you can see the tower with his back to the grotto). Borghini described it in his treatise in 1584 entitled The Rest. Inside the source was adorned by a marble statue of Fata Morgana in which the source is given, sculpted by Giambologna (as probably the rest of the decoration of the Nymph). The statue was removed in 1775 and sold to the English scholar Thomas Patch, who bought it on behalf of the second Earl of Hopetoun transporting it to England with the consent of the Lorraine Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo. Since then he sank into oblivion, until did not appear at auction in 1989 in Wrotham Park in England, where it was purchased by collector Patricia Wengraf which ultimately did not see her return to the original place where it comes from and who she is named.
The building is L-shaped in an area of \u200b\u200blimited size, built as a stage with two adjoining tables. The entrance and windows are finished in limestone rock, the lintels are in the eardrums to rustic rough-hewn blocks, similar to clubs that give the facade an upward movement. On the left is a stone tabernacle century. On the longer side on the right, note the entry in the central niche, which contains these words: "I am that, reader, fata Morgana / rejuvenate others that young man here / Here the Old Man, since I was old / MDLXXI rejuvenate with his fountain. " On the extreme right are recognizable types of tanks for water animals and another with edges slanting wash. During the restoration, was restored to the particular water system, need to clean, drain and dispose of the water fountains and ponds. Inside the Nymph is a fountain consisting of a hollow stone, supported by a base crude zoomorphic form which recalls the tail of a mermaid. The water that overflows from the basin in stone, it falls below a waterfall in the tub Allen, whose center is located in the basement brick che sosteneva la statua della Fata Morgana, oggi non più visibile. Curioso è il pavimento a mosaico costituito da sassolini bianchi e neri che, sulla soglia, compongono la scritta "Fata Morgana". Ai lati della fontana, due portali simmetrici completano la scenografia. Da quello di sinistra si accede, tramite una piccola scala, al livello superiore dove esistono dei piccoli ambienti, uno dei quali era destinato a cucina. Da notare, al piano superiore, la suggestione del muro che reca iscrizioni e date di persone comuni che nei secoli si sono incontrate in questo luogo lasciando un segno della loro visita, da tre amici nel dicembre 1872 al soldato durante la prima guerra mondiale e così via. Al livello sottostante, invece, il Ninfeo era probabilmente connected by a tunnel to the Villa. The whole seems designed to impress the viewer. The appearance of the mysterious and magical place, and the reputation of Morgana, the dedicatee of the source and especially seductive sorceress of the healing cycle of King Arthur, has fostered the birth of the centuries old legends around the sixteenth Ninfeo: it tells of the party and bacchanalian summer nights, but above all of sudden appearances of beautiful and young women, nymphs and fairies, who mysteriously as they appeared, disappeared. Even today, in addition, there are those who attribute virtue of rejuvenating water source. Recently acquired by the town of Bagno a Ripoli, the source has been restored by the Superintendent.
I would read, as indicated below in order of execution, are freely inspired by:
Ovid, Metamorphoses (the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea)
Tale of Senegal (Why are there so many idiots)
Russian Fairy Tale (by Lev Tolstoy , The head and tail of the snake)
Tale of China (Ying and Yang)
The legend of the Fata Morgana
Gianni Rodari, the moon, For fault of an accent, the ant
Angiolo Firebaugh, farmer, son el ' ass
Aesop, The hen and the swallow
Federico Garcia Lorca, the Andalusian folk song
(from Blood Wedding)
Roberto Quilts, "Pappalardo Idiot" (from the book of words)
from The Arabian Nights ("The story of the porter of Baghdad"), containing:
Gianni Rodari, question mark, naughty nursery rhyme, and Roberto
Quilts, "John Cheppalle" and "Polecat Crazy" (from The book of words)
Aesop, The Crab and the Fox
Roberto Quilts, "Porco Manuela," "Lilius Shitter", "senile," "Don Quixote" (from the book of words)
Aesop, The Camel dancer
Leon Battista Alberti, a boy and the turtle, the ox and the rope
Scottish Fairy Tale, A tail of sheep
Leon Battista Alberti, The Merchant
Ocean Fairy Tale Chile, ants and the barn
Mixage from Aesop (L'Alcyone, the lion was afraid of a mouse and the fox, the mole and his mother, travelers and the bear)
the show will be repeated June 25 21.30 at the Park in Florence dell'Anconella part of the "All the Colors of the Park"
have the
Entry is by invitation
STREET ... fairy tales from around the world
a source ... a fairy ... a moonless night ... a summer solstice
"Above the vessel, which receives the water, is a beautiful young girl nude, marble, made by Giambologna, actually go out of a cave, and a dainty hand is at chest and the other supports a marine basin, which lies inalzandosi water in the vase, which seems to quicksilver, and this beautiful woman for Fata Morgana (which was formerly named this source) and figures "(Raffaello Borghini, The Rest , description of Ninfeo Grassina, 1584)
La Fonte della Fata Morgana, also known as House of the Fairies, is a Ninfeo, a small building erected by the late sixteenth Bernardo Vecchietti between 1573 and 1574 in the grounds of his villa at the foot of witches (which you can see the tower with his back to the grotto). Borghini described it in his treatise in 1584 entitled The Rest. Inside the source was adorned by a marble statue of Fata Morgana in which the source is given, sculpted by Giambologna (as probably the rest of the decoration of the Nymph). The statue was removed in 1775 and sold to the English scholar Thomas Patch, who bought it on behalf of the second Earl of Hopetoun transporting it to England with the consent of the Lorraine Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo. Since then he sank into oblivion, until did not appear at auction in 1989 in Wrotham Park in England, where it was purchased by collector Patricia Wengraf which ultimately did not see her return to the original place where it comes from and who she is named.
The building is L-shaped in an area of \u200b\u200blimited size, built as a stage with two adjoining tables. The entrance and windows are finished in limestone rock, the lintels are in the eardrums to rustic rough-hewn blocks, similar to clubs that give the facade an upward movement. On the left is a stone tabernacle century. On the longer side on the right, note the entry in the central niche, which contains these words: "I am that, reader, fata Morgana / rejuvenate others that young man here / Here the Old Man, since I was old / MDLXXI rejuvenate with his fountain. " On the extreme right are recognizable types of tanks for water animals and another with edges slanting wash. During the restoration, was restored to the particular water system, need to clean, drain and dispose of the water fountains and ponds. Inside the Nymph is a fountain consisting of a hollow stone, supported by a base crude zoomorphic form which recalls the tail of a mermaid. The water that overflows from the basin in stone, it falls below a waterfall in the tub Allen, whose center is located in the basement brick che sosteneva la statua della Fata Morgana, oggi non più visibile. Curioso è il pavimento a mosaico costituito da sassolini bianchi e neri che, sulla soglia, compongono la scritta "Fata Morgana". Ai lati della fontana, due portali simmetrici completano la scenografia. Da quello di sinistra si accede, tramite una piccola scala, al livello superiore dove esistono dei piccoli ambienti, uno dei quali era destinato a cucina. Da notare, al piano superiore, la suggestione del muro che reca iscrizioni e date di persone comuni che nei secoli si sono incontrate in questo luogo lasciando un segno della loro visita, da tre amici nel dicembre 1872 al soldato durante la prima guerra mondiale e così via. Al livello sottostante, invece, il Ninfeo era probabilmente connected by a tunnel to the Villa. The whole seems designed to impress the viewer. The appearance of the mysterious and magical place, and the reputation of Morgana, the dedicatee of the source and especially seductive sorceress of the healing cycle of King Arthur, has fostered the birth of the centuries old legends around the sixteenth Ninfeo: it tells of the party and bacchanalian summer nights, but above all of sudden appearances of beautiful and young women, nymphs and fairies, who mysteriously as they appeared, disappeared. Even today, in addition, there are those who attribute virtue of rejuvenating water source. Recently acquired by the town of Bagno a Ripoli, the source has been restored by the Superintendent.
I would read, as indicated below in order of execution, are freely inspired by:
Ovid, Metamorphoses (the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea)
Tale of Senegal (Why are there so many idiots)
Russian Fairy Tale (by Lev Tolstoy , The head and tail of the snake)
Tale of China (Ying and Yang)
The legend of the Fata Morgana
Gianni Rodari, the moon, For fault of an accent, the ant
Angiolo Firebaugh, farmer, son el ' ass
Aesop, The hen and the swallow
Federico Garcia Lorca, the Andalusian folk song
(from Blood Wedding)
Roberto Quilts, "Pappalardo Idiot" (from the book of words)
from The Arabian Nights ("The story of the porter of Baghdad"), containing:
Gianni Rodari, question mark, naughty nursery rhyme, and Roberto
Quilts, "John Cheppalle" and "Polecat Crazy" (from The book of words)
Aesop, The Crab and the Fox
Roberto Quilts, "Porco Manuela," "Lilius Shitter", "senile," "Don Quixote" (from the book of words)
Aesop, The Camel dancer
Leon Battista Alberti, a boy and the turtle, the ox and the rope
Scottish Fairy Tale, A tail of sheep
Leon Battista Alberti, The Merchant
Ocean Fairy Tale Chile, ants and the barn
Mixage from Aesop (L'Alcyone, the lion was afraid of a mouse and the fox, the mole and his mother, travelers and the bear)
the show will be repeated June 25 21.30 at the Park in Florence dell'Anconella part of the "All the Colors of the Park"
Monday, May 4, 2009
Annabel Chong 251 Online

This is New Alamo, and polluted mega-cities with a population of 20 million inhabitants.
say that there are designers who make one table per day. I do for this cartoon, corresponding to half of the table, it took me almost two days. The trouble is that Nathan Never on these things are common, sometimes with views balanced by the starry sky.
Where's Lindsey Dawn Mackenzie Been
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tech Deck Live Release Date For Mac
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My Ultrasound Of Down Syndrome
Thus began the special Nathan Never

This is the table which starts with the special of Nathan Never I'm drawing. The screenplay is entrusted to the mythical Stefano Vietti. I piace la soluzione che ha scelto per la prima pagina, secondo me invoglia alla lettura. La novità di questa storia è che il soggetto l'ho scritto io.
Così non potrò lamentarmi se la storia non mi piace.
This is the start page of the the special Nathan Never I'm drawing. The screenplay is entrusted to the mythical Stefano Vietti. I like the solution he choose for the first page, according to entice me to read. The novelty of this story is that I wrote it myself. So I can not complain if I do not like history.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Will A Hairdresser Put My Extensions In For Me?
IO or OI
stage play about themselves and the character
6 and 7 March 2009 at the Teatro Comunale di
Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze)
March 6 from 16 to 23 hours with a break for dinner
March 7 from 10 to 23 hours with lunch and dinner is Recommended working
comfortable clothes to wear
material: paper, pen, Indoor
total cost of the Stage
cost € 70 for students during the annual 60 euro
please confirm no later than March 1, 2009
stage play about themselves and the character
6 and 7 March 2009 at the Teatro Comunale di
Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze)
March 6 from 16 to 23 hours with a break for dinner
March 7 from 10 to 23 hours with lunch and dinner is Recommended working
comfortable clothes to wear
material: paper, pen, Indoor
total cost of the Stage
cost € 70 for students during the annual 60 euro
please confirm no later than March 1, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
What Does A Rabbit Paw Look Like?
It 'the first image load on the blog, I am just learning how it works.
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