Cultural Association Archetype
with Association Cultural Group Mimesis
in collaboration with Association for Cultural Cambiamusica
under the patronage ANPI Committee of Bagno a Ripoli
a lecture-performance that accompanies the viewer on a reconstruction historical period that goes from the Second World War, or more precisely the stage of resistance (Tuscan, Italian and more generally European Union) until the promulgation of Constitution, through the analysis of the phases of the most salient and most critical debates and the definition of the current historical and political roots of contemporary Italy .
The intention is to offer the viewer through the suggeriemento of continuous parallels between history and references of the last century and the current food for thought on issues and themes, even burning, which characterize the political and cultural debate of our time: the theme of freedom, in its broadest sense and not only as a denial of the war, around the time switch controversy Constitution , fino alla questione della giustizia, o ancora al pericolo dell' indifferentismo verso la politica di molti giovani.
il materiale storico e documentaristico raccolto costituisce il contenuto stesso, il "copione", della lezione-spettacolo, corredato da una cornice multimediale fatta di proiezioni di immagini e suoni che si avvale dei più diversi codici e linguaggi espressivi (fotografico, pittorico, grafico, musicale, cinematografico , sportivo, giornalistico , televisivo e così via).
Si è cercato di guardare a questo fondamentale pezzo di storia del nostro paese attraverso le più diverse angolature . The texts that are read are extremely heterogeneous: the letters of intellectual militants persecuted by the regime, as Gramsci, the letters of ordinary people who sacrificed their lives for freedom, partisan, sometimes very young , children from broken lives, and then again evidence survivors of the massacres nazi-fascist partisan companies heroic women, and finally the assessment of the war and the resistance of poets and writers such as Pasolini and Pavese up to the words of politicians and distinguished cotituzionalisti as Piero Calamandrei .
a chorus of different voices, yet vicinity which may be an opportunity for us to remember a not too distant past, for reflect on our present and look to a future that is always possible.
spoken voices: Sara Alberti, Valentina Berti, Simone Rovida
coordination : Riccardo Massai
free admission - April 24, 2010 - 21:30
House of the People of Osteria Nuova - Via Roma 448 - Bagno a Ripoli - FI
info: 055 6560283 email: ssar.osterianuova @ gmail.com