Brussels document to the Ministry of Health denies the exemption limits for drinking water. It imposes order to prohibit its use in food. Lazio region worst affected
Alessandro Fullon
from of 22/11/10
ordinances are required by Brussels, which could prohibit the use of drinking water. This notice was sent Oct. 28 by the Ministry of Health Environment of the EU opened a heavy public health problem in 128 municipalities of the boot split between five regions.
CITIES 'IN EMERGENCY - At the top is Lazio, with 91 towns and villages (spread between the provinces of Rome, Latina and Viterbo), where the mayors, less than miraculous last-minute solutions , may be forced to sign a measure to ban drinking water.
list - published by - \u200b\u200bSeguela Tuscany, with 16 locations, 10 more are in Trentino, Lombardy and 8 in 3 in Umbria. All have the same problem: water systems there is a high concentration of arsenic, sometimes with a maximum of 50 micrograms per liter while the law allows a maximum of 10. Quantities that would be out of the norm - Italy said in a dossier sent to the EU - for reasons 'natural' in some way originate from geological layers of lava, as in the case of the Castelli Romani and Viterbo.
THE EU: POSSIBLE CANCER RISK - Justification, however, unheard by the European Union - allowing the application only for the less worrisome Borio and fluoride - no longer wants, in drinking water, those numbers above 10 micrograms of arsenic per liter. The reason is that "values \u200b\u200bof 30, 40 and 50 micrograms 'may determine' health risks, particularly certain forms of cancer." That's why the exceptions only for limited periods, can be obtained up to concentrations of 20 micrograms per liter.
IN TROUBLE '250 thousand families - In February, Italy - which has implemented the EU directives on drinking water in a law in force since 2001 - has prompted to temporarily raise the limits, of course, 50. But the EU has rejected the demand by blowing up a problem that, according to the official document sent to the Ministry of Health, concerns the taps of about 250 thousand families.
to be involved are large countries and capitals of a few dozen souls to stay at Lazio, the "interested users" in Latin is 115,490, with the Aprilia 66,624, 62,441 to Viterbo and then again at 10 000 and 18 000 in Sabaudia Albano. Tuscany holiday destinations in the waters at risk as Piombino, Cecina, Portoferraio and Porto Azzurro, but also Foiano della Chiana, Montevarchi, Campo Elba, Rio Marina, San Vincenzo. Problems also in Orvieto in Umbria, and in Solda di Fuori, Alto Adige, are "only" 25 residents who may find themselves without water.
ANCHE IN LOMBARDIA E TRENTINO - Acque non salubri vengono identificate nella tabella del documento Ue nelle province di Mantova (Marcaria, Roncoferraro, Viadana), Sondrio (Valdidentro e Valfurva) e Varese (Maccagno, Sesto Calende, Dumenza). Il comune di Cava Manara, in passato con problemi, ora ha acque «perfettamente potabili» grazie all’apertura di nuovi pozzi. In Trentino, risultano non a norma le acque di Laste/Cantanghel, Canal San Bovo, Fierrozzo, Frassilongo.
Quanto alla Campania, 14 comuni - non gravati dall'allarme arsenico - hanno ottenuto la deroga per ciĆ² che riguarda il floruro: si tratta di Boscotrecase, Cercola, Ercolano, Ottaviano, Pollena Trocchia, Portici, S. Anastasia, San Giorgio a Cremano, S. Giuseppe Vesuviano, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, Somma Vesuvius, Terzigno, Tower of the Greek, Volla.
"Filters" water systems - in essence: you have to be given the maximum information to users about the new rules. Then the responsibility will pass to the mayors who will evaluate whether to sign the orders for the ban. Meanwhile Acea, Regional Commissioner and the drinking water system are kind of "filters" to reduce the presence of 'Arsenic and mix water from the aqueducts such as the Simbruini - free of arsenic - with those collected from the wells, the main accused values \u200b\u200boutside the norm.
LA DOMESTIC CLEANER SOLUTION - "Measures to study for some time - is the assurance came after the meeting - but that must now be accelerated because of EU legislation that nobody expected so immediate." In this situation there are those who whooping they arrange themselves, so that near Frascati, south of Rome, a group of citizens has seen fit to buy a water filter for arsenic.
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