This is a spontaneous group of people working in different Health areas (regions, districts, local health authorities, universities, research centers, hospital wards, outpatient clinics, etc.). paediatricians and family doctors, specialists in various disciplines, medical students and residents, nurses, midwives , pharmacists, pharmacologists, district directors, directors of local health authorities, researchers, psychologists, journalists sector ... In
group was founded in March 2004. Since then he has produced documents and projects to propose ways different from the relationship between the world of health and the pharmaceutical industry. It also produces and disseminates information on constantly what happens if the business interests or personal (money, fame, career), groups, politicians or institutions, in conflict with the protection of health . As well as on the proposals and experiments under way around the world to overcome this type of conflict of interest .
The rules are simple: Do not accept
industry Drug :
1. gifts of any kind, from those of lesser value (such as gadgets, pens, etc..) To the more expensive (such as books, payment of membership meetings, board and lodging, travel, etc.).
2 . funding for
- relate to educational events sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry
- implement training events
- produce materials to colleagues or to the people and refuse to use for this purpose material produced by pharmaceutical companies.
This information is taken from the site of the " No thanks, I'll pay . Strict rules for doctors and health workers honest and ethics intact. More than appreciated and it's nice to know that health is not just medical malpractice.
To learn more, in addition to their site you can look to other articles and interviews on , Traces and ,
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