In Lello Agretti c’è sempre stata questa progressione, fusa armonicamente nella sua personalità. La sua ricerca è emblematica, basti pensare ai titoli dei suoi testi poetici: per esempio “ Da Oriente a Occidente ”, che è stato il suo primo libro; e poi quest’ultimo: “ Cammino per cammino ”. Dunque, mai come in Agretti is true just before the bold assertion: one can not ignore the man and the poetry, on the other hand, you can not even otherwise, because it is the Agretti-poet, the philosopher-Agretti, the 'Agretti-researcher, who goes on, goes to, not taking up its own poetry, as a tool or means to say and to tell others, but being himself manifesto and poetic and philosophical message, in full communion and become indistinguishable from the man of the land itself and the poet himself from the matter determined in the transient and asymptotic of the elusive truth there, but coming towards the latter ...
lavoro di Lello Agretti , “ Cammino per cammino ”, ed addentrandoci maggiormente nella realtà poetica che il nostro ha elaborato in questo recente ed elegante volumetto, possiamo affermare che la prerogativa principale del suo dettato resta il lavoro quasi certosino sulla parola e sull’intenzione, sul messaggio ad essa affidata, fin quasi a volere con essa raggiungere e forse oltrepassare il limite fisico e materiale dell’uomo, in una visione senza dubbio escatologica che pone nella parola poetica stessa, la speranza ed il respiro, anzi il sospiro, liberatorio e gratificante: il raggiungimento della verità. E’ un percorso duro, sofferto, “cammino per cammino”: “ What I reach unnamed / non Sconcerti: / opens the path / road to walk / always / always to . "
Lello Agretti loves the essential, and in all his literary activity has always been reluctant a certain redundancy or redundancy exercise poetic disclosed, so there are many published books. It 's more important to him, and he's right, or at least strive to reach the fullness of poetic meanings and intentions, as it may be extremely difficult and laborious, starting from the little available but pouring it all in his literary consciousness, all his "inspiration": "I approdare dove voglio / posso volendo cambiare scarpe / farmi orma diversa diverso sentire. / Posso perché posso / volare in altro corpo / divenire voce e / in ogni voce / essere ”.
E’ poesia di riflessione, quella di Lello Agretti , di intima domanda sul perchè delle cose, ma soprattutto sul dove: in questo marasma sconfinato di materia e accaparramento di potere che è divenuto il pianeta, nessun punto di riferimento preciso può dare tranquillità e serenità, pienezza e speranza, e questo continuo ricercare la verità, questo indispensabile interrogarsi sul proprio divenire, è reso quanto mai evidente nei versi dell’ Agretti , come in “Odissea”: "Fixed north-sails of Ithaca tree / pass tonight / over water and rotting death. / Advance / with my breast albatross / wave by wave force takes I will become that / I would go / I will be spreading beauty / company worthy of your loneliness / will be tonight / odyssey. "
So there is a point, but a beach, a beach, a house to start with. From East to West. Way to walk. An incessant movement that began in when / where unknown and continuing indefinitely, robbing the feeling and the word down to its essence, to show the truth secret, the hidden hope: "If a dear habit / succumbs to the fate / not just the street / dies a whole country. / But if you ruin around / if you have already tomorrow / change my geography / well remains in the eye / secret hat / This going fugitive / vertigo to reach the Evening the science of the soul. "
Lello is Agretti So true poet, and never as in this recent collection demonstrates his mastery of the poetic word safe and deep, his skill in building and structures to have a great capacity to stir the right emotions and images in the heart of the reader. The collection is also enriched with an amazing integration of drawings by Andrea Sparaco Reported in the second part, and so do not alternate with the poems, a choice that suggests intelligence is not merely a division between the two art forms, poetry and drawing, but rather a complementary important, respecting autonomy, however, that provides a harmonious and balanced "collaboration" between the two artistic events.
" Way to walk," Lello Agretti poems, drawings by Andrea Sparaco . The arcael'arco Editions, Nola, 2010 .
Joseph Vetromile
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