Kriterion Award, 2011 edition
National competition of poetry, fiction and visual arts "Kriterion"
The world we imagine not land has opaque, peripheral roads populated by outsiders, but only highways where immigrants and citizens together building new ways of coexistence, where the neighbor house turns into an enemy not to the madness of someone, where there are no mountains Taigete but everyone expects the friend in trouble and perhaps through his hand. A journey of discovery that takes thousand different directions but a single port of arrival: the dignity of all human beings.
The twentieth century has been called the century of genocide and that is why we want to analyze the roots of intolerance approaching a forgotten genocide: that of the Armenians.
RULES The competition is divided into three sections for adults: A
-unpublished poem adult B Edit-Fiction; C Unpublished-Fiction;
and two private school students of all levels: D-unpublished poetry students E - Design students.
Section for adults.
Section A - unpublished poems
Each author may send a single poem on any subject or topic of the diversity of not more than 25 verses, in six copies, typed, anonymous, but with a short code that must be included at the bottom of and each copy reproduced on separate envelope containing the complete name of the author (name, address, telephone number) and title of the opera in competition. In addition, each author must sign a declaration of paternity and of inediticità of your computer.
Section B - Narrative Edit
It competes with a novel, published in January 2009 in three copies at short cover letter attached. The publishers may submit only one title. Excludes self-published novels.
Section C
Each author may submit a short story or a story on any subject not exceeding 5 pages (30righe x 60 characters) in six typed copies, with the same procedures for unpublished poetry.
The theme for this year is: "I was Armenian, I have deported, I was an immigrant, I have marginalized, have been disabled, you have humiliated me, and we have the same heart, did you forget? "
Section D - unpublished poems
The section is intended for students of institutes of all levels. Every young competitor holds a single poem of no longer than 25 verses, in six copies signed and accompanied by complete details and background education. They will not be assessed the poems not related to the theme proposed.
Section E - Design students
Every young competitor, as in the poetry section, may participate with one work performed by any technique and size, general complete and from school. E 'be given the opportunity to compete with a' work made collectively by a single class with students identified by the participants, class, section, school. In this case the Institute will receive the award.
1. Competitors must strictly abide by the rules of this notice, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.
2. Each paper should reach the secretariat of the award not later than February 28, 2011 (as confirmed by the postmark). The packages can be sent via priority mail at:
Competition Kriterion " AIPD Sec. Avellino c / o Gerald Pepe, Via Pianodardine, 9 -83 042 Atripalda (Av).
3. To participate in the prize are not required membership fees, but a payment to dell'Aipd sect. Avellino only for sections "A" "C" adults. In the "A" and "C" Euro 5.00; For individuals participating in both sections $ 10, non-payment will automatically be excluded from the competition, published for the narrative section is not expected reading fee. For the sections reserved for students, "D" and "E" can make a voluntary payment. Send the relevant amounts in the c / c postale n. 10282838 payable to: AIPD Chamber of Avellino.
4. Entries will not be returned. The work of the jury, whose names will be announced on the occasion of the award, is final and binding.
5. The Association reserves the right not to award certain prizes if the quality of the projects were generally considered to be inadequate. Also reserves the right to publish the winning works without any compensation to participants.
AWARDS 1. The first three winners of the unpublished poems adult section will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 700 + degree.
2nd prize Euro 400 + degree.
3rd prize Euro 200 + degree.
2. For the first three sections of the published fiction will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 1,000 + diploma.
+ certificate 2nd place plaque.
3rd place Cup + qualification.
3. The first three winners of the fiction section will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 300 + degree.
200 + Plaque 2nd place certificate.
Cup 3rd place 100 + degree.
The first three winners of the three-section design and poetry for students for students (elementary schools, middle schools, high schools) will be awarded respectively
1st place Euro 50 + diploma.
2nd place Cup + qualification.
+ certificate 3rd place plaque.
The jury reserves the right to award prizes or special merits. Prizes must be collected in person or by proxy, otherwise loss of eligibility.
4. The awards ceremony will take place within the month of May 2010. The winners will be notified personally. 5.The
'Association reserves the right, if it proves necessary, amendments to this Regulation. In this case they will be promptly communication to those concerned.
"Kriterion" WINNERS
SECTION unpublished poems
Edition 2003: Joseph Vetromile
Edition 2004: Domenico Luiso
Edition 2005: Stephen Santosuosso
Edition 2006: Benito Galilee.
Edition 2007: Nicola Pagliuca.
Edition 2008: Gennaro Grieco.
Edition 2009: Umberto Vicaretti.
narrative section INEDITA
Edition 2003: John Caruso
Edition 2004: Elizabeth Liguori
Edition 2005: not awarded
Edition 2006: Ex Aequo Paul Pergolari -
Fabio Casadei Turroni
Edition 2007: Pascal Abatiello
Edition 2008: not awarded.
Edition 2009: Arturo Bernava
2005 Edition: Matthew B. Bianchi (Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore)
Edition 2006: Lucrezia Lerro (Pequod Editions)
Edition 2007: Carlo D'Amicis (Minimum Fax)
Edition 2008: Ivan Cotroneo (Bompiani)
Edition 2009: Eraldo Affinati (Mondadori)
Italian Association of People Down
Section Avellino
Rione Mazzini - 83100 Avellino
Tel 0825/73315 - 622708
the postal n.10282838
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