The exhibition of painting in Naples 
Si è inaugurata sabato 18 dicembre a Napoli, presso l’antisala dei Baroni al Maschio Angioino, la Mostra antologica del pittore
Luigi Franzese , intitolata “
Del Vesuvio Franzese ”. L’artista, molto apprezzato per l’originalità delle sue opere, prodotte con una tecnica singolare che riconduce all’incessante transformation of the earth and in particular to the land of Mount Vesuvius, symbolically depicted in many of his paintings, was able to expose intelligence with all its artistic and cultural overview, creating an atmosphere of colors and emotions very nice and make an impact. The exhibition, which was set up by Santino
Country and
John Franzese, will remain open until January 3, 2011. The inauguration was attended by the critics
Vito May, curator of the exhibition, Professor. Santino
Country dell'UNAMS of Rome, and Professor
Antonella Nigro, president of the Research Center
Hemera . Di Luigi Franzese
wrote art historians and critics of renown:
Giulio Argan admired the finesse and the preciousness of his art. Filiberto Menna emphasized the undoubted
maturity and caused a very special contribution in the context of a return of the painting .
Franco Solmi highlighted the reasons for desiring his
, ambiguous modern .
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