Sunday, February 27, 2011
Jet Li Unleashed Stream
“ Solo da qui, da questa parte / voglio ripassare sul marciapiede / qui dove tra due palazzine / si rischiara il giallo dei platani / e pare quasi di tenerti nel tempo .” Ecco: se mai fosse possibile racchiudere tutta l’essenza del pensiero poetico di un autore in alcuni suoi pochi versi, direi che proprio questi che ho appena riportato rappresentano la sintesi di tutto l’ excursus poetico di Marco Aragno , ovvero anche il riferimento, il punto cruciale da cui partire per esplorare e considerare il mondo nella sua globalità interiore ed esteriore. E come leggiamo nell’approfondita analysis Franca Mancinelli, in the preface, Marco Aragno purposely wanted to use a German word, " zugunruhe " precisely to give an explanation to this title ever since his recent collection of poems; term that means forward motion, restlessness, impatience. But why a German word? Evidently, in respect of the universality of poetry, the author concluded that this deadline was to direct more responsive to his thought, and we agree with him, because maybe there is a similar term but in the vast and rich etymology of Italian. A little 'as it happens for many slang expressions, which do not have perfect correspondence in Italian and that, even if they were translated literally, well, difficult to make the same meaning. I believe that it is permissible and even desirable, therefore, use terms not belonging to their own language, when the poem is meant to give the right signal, the exact feeling of their views, their own philosophy of life, with comments. And Marco Aragno does it with experienced ease. Why the title of a book is important, and is even more important when it comes to a book of poems must immediately give the reader an idea of \u200b\u200bthe deep, authentic, what you are expressing, what che si ha intenzione di comunicare, attraverso il velo simbolico e, sovente, allegorico della poesia.
Ma tornando allo “ zugunruhe ” di Marco Aragno , troviamo subito nei primi versi di questo “ libriccino da collezione ” (ottima collana di poesia della LietoColle Edizioni ), il senso profondo del disagio del vivere quotidiano, espresso con questa “ansia del movimento”, che si concretizza nell’evanescenza dei colori, nel “ tremito dei nomi ”, in una parola nell’abbandono: “ si resta soli la sera / quando intorno si fa la città / e si scrollano pigeons from the branches. " And 'this coldness, this heaviness of the material world that lies on humans, to determine the poet Aragno the need to "move" and with a certain energy, and with some urgency, to bring outside, bypassing the the flatness and banality, and recovering the bottom of authenticity and positivity latent in all of us: " Perhaps the house is no longer protected / in this time, even though the window and found the courses and the roads always . "It is still alive and evident in Aragno this need to tear the fabric enclosing the city, which metaphorically means tutto un mondo, questa impellenza “ansiosa” di uscirne fuori, in questi versi molto rappresentativi della sua poetica: “ Ma troppo vaghe le mani, le porte / non hanno maniglie e qualcuno fugge / nel colore delle tende, nel rosso / degli oleandri che s’accende / dal fondo dei corridoi, in penombra, / se un po’ di vento riporta la vita ”.
Il dettato poetico di Marco Aragno è fortemente simbolico e allegorico. La sua parola poetica, nel verso ben misurato, è decisa e forte, e richiama immagini molteplici e variegate, il che denota un ruolo nient’affatto secondario del suo modo di fare poesia, attuale ed originale. Il libro si presenta per questo compatto, though divided into five sections that trace the intense study and happy, in order to achieve a goal for himself and satisfactory for all: a higher plane of life and love.
Despite his young age, Marco Aragno , Villaricca Neapolitan poet, already has a poetic register very high, and he, along with a few other good poets peers, including Naples, is a definite reference point in the young contemporary Italian poetry.
Marco Aragno , " Zugunruhe " LietoColle Editions, 2010. Erato series, Little Book Collectors. Foreword by
Franca Mancinelli.
Joseph Vetromile
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LONDON - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, primary pulmonary hypertension, sarcoidosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), scleroderma, idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia (ICEP), pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). They are some of the 130 considered rare lung diseases because they affect less than one person every two thousand. As with all rare diseases, no one knows precisely how many people hit: The available data are not precise and are often underestimated, but given that this is a set € of various ailments and it is likely that millions of people are affected. According to latest estimates, however, are almost two million Italians have to fight against a disease uncommon (it is estimated that worldwide there are more than seven thousand different rare diseases) and they dedicated the World Day which is celebrated on February 28.
"rare but equal" - With the slogan "Rare But Equal" Day 2011 wants to draw attention to inequalities in health that exist between people with rare diseases in different countries and the rest of society. This year's campaign aims to support equitable access for this particular category of patients, health care and social services, medications and treatments orphans. Be affected by a disease is unusual and infrequent, in fact, unfortunately, involves additional difficulties. In the diagnosis, a rare find because it is very difficult, since Because doctors do not always see a few now recognize the clinical picture. A therapeutic level, because very often patients do not know where to go and find it difficult to reach all appropriate reference. At the regulatory level, because they do not always and not all rare diseases have the recognition of the desirable event (free tickets, assistance with medication off-label). In terms of research, because pharmaceutical companies traditionally have not invested large capital in research on rare diseases. And finally, in terms of emotional experience, because the sick live feelings of disorientation and marginalization more radical, often feeling alone, abandoned and less fortunate than others.
RDD 2011 , Giornata Mondiale delle malattie rare
Uniamo , federazione italiana malattie rare
Centro Nazionale Malattie Rare dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Malati Rari
Ma.Re.Po. , malattie rare polmonari , malattie rare e orfane
Eurordis , Rare diseases Europe
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Simple Labeled Ship Diagram
I looked 5cm per second, Film (Film?) that actually 'oav 3 are combined. I must say I was disappointed at times. Certainly, the lines of his drawings do not like a girlfriend ', or rather, when children are' horrible, and Adolescents' passable, and much better as adults. The only thing really wonderful of those drawings are landscapes. Wonderful.
The story, 'as I was expecting fairly sad, the story of two boys, first love and a clear separation between them.
the first OVA and 'probably the most' sad, the more 'interesting, and even the most' valid, with their history, the journey by train, see Toh, and 'delayed by weather.
The second OVA tells the story of the boy as a teenager, and the story of his lover. The average level of interest and 'fell to historic lows, also because' he 's an idiot who does not notice her, and she and' them 'who is afraid to confess.
The third OVA is meaningless. or rather, it makes sense, there is' the chance meeting on the level crossing, all a flashback of last year, the train is passing by, he turns to her that there is no 'more'. Ciccio, wake up, not 'all waiting for you ... It' s like saying to a final where she continues her life by marrying a more quietly, he 's a totally useless person and everyone lived happily ever after.
History 7 / 10 Originality
'5 / 10
Characters 4 / 10
Designs 8 / 10
Total 6 / 10
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Il quotidiano on line della provincia di Alessandria parla della nascente Agenzia di Sviluppo di Casale Monferrato , which from September will be tasked to develop an economic point of view from the area.
Why care? Because the meeting held yesterday between the various parties participating in the Agency was also John G. Williams, President of 'Association of Italian Chiropractors . But above all, the article reports that
The enthusiastic applause broke out of course for the only other settlement, this time a university that will give a degree in chiropractic as explained by Dr. John Williams.For now we do not know much, but it seems a turning point for the profession.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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It occurred yesterday, Wednesday, February 23, at the historic Red Saletta Port'Alba Guide to the Library, the book " Giuseppe Marotta, four novels and a interlude of lyrics, "edited by Paolo Saggese and on behalf of Publishing House The school of Pythagoras , Naples.
This interesting book is an act due to the Neapolitan writer, who was born in 1902 in Naples, Irpinia origins, being the son of the lawyer Giuseppe Marotta Senior , a leading figure in the late nineteenth dell'avellinese beginning of the twentieth century.
The book recounts the childhood of the author of Avellino Gold of Naples. At the center of the memories there is, therefore, Avellino, Irpinia, the father, mother, and the desire for a return to "small and green city" under the feverfew. But above all, the volume recovers ten poems and four novels published in two journals Irpinia ("The Tenth Muse " and "Dawn ) distant from the twenties and never republished. He discussed the historical
Andrea Massaro, the critic and poet Ugo Piscopo , the critic Raffaele Giglio University Federico II of Naples, and the same author and editor of the book, Paolo Saggese .
for the occasion has been circulated to present an interesting and valuable facsimile of No. 1 Issue " Dawn", dated May 8, 1924, in which, inter alia, by Giuseppe Marotta are the first two chapters of the novel "The song of the poet minimum."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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I felt free. I was what i wanted to be. I was not bound to anything.
Then you came.
You were the only one who could control me, hypnotize me, toss me in an endless pit of sweet despair.
Love can be such a heavy burden. Love can be such a delightful pleasure.
I shed tears I didn't know I had. I tore my chest open to give you my heart. However, you played around with me, like a motionless toy until you got bored.
How did things turn out like this? What have i done to you? You said "I like you."
..I was only trying to make you laugh.
..I was only trying to show my world to you. And you closed your eyes, turning away from me.
...I was only trying to Love you.
And yet, you left me with a smile.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Now, I have nothing against Marvel Vs Capcom 3, in fact I like it a lot.
What the fuck was Felicia's finisher? and 'ridiculous
(go to minute 2:18)
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Can you feel it? Can you hear what the wind wants to tell you? I do. I know what you're saying.
Open your eyes, look at the starry sky, and let this winter wind you invest your face gently. What reminds you of the sky?
And now comes down ', towards the plain, in view of the city asleep' lit, cold and joins all-encompassing.
still not talking to you the wind?
Turn to me, look deep into my eyes. See what I see in you? See why it 's nice to be here?
Breathe this air crisp, let it permeate your senses to let you know the truth '.
is the wind, more 'decided. This time you know what he has to say, you know what you want to do, but you can not.
'Cause I do not exist.
The wind blows in your direction again, shouting the words "I" and "love."
do not know who you are, it 'where you are.
I just know you're smiling in questa notte stellata, aspettando un incontro che forse non avverra’ mai.
Venezia, 21 Febbraio 2011.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Che cos’e’ che distingue un buon scrittore da un pazzo megalomane? Uno scrittore decente ti coinvolge, ti fa riflettere, ti emoziona, ecc. ecc.
Il pazzo megalomane ti rapisce, ti porta nel suo mondo, e non ti lascia piu’ uscirne. E quando sei fuori, vuoi tornarci dentro. E’ cosi’ bello, cosi’ sereno, cosi’ rassicurante. Il pazzo megalomane ti porta a soffrire della sindrome di Stoccolma.
Terry Pratchett ‘s The Colour of Magic
Il colore della magia e’ il primo book of the Discworld series, the world created by Terry Pratchett, who has set dozens of books divided between various cycles (cycle scuotivento, the death of the guard, witches ...) The first volume, 'substantially dedicated to Scuotivento. Character loser, student dell'Unseen University (University 'invisible) incapable even of doing a spell,' cause one of the 8 most 'great magic and the' entry into the head, and do not want to get out of them. or rather, wants to quit, but nobody knows what would happen if he could Scuotivento to pronounce it.
Next to him is a tourist empire Agateo, DueFiori, who happened to have asked for a guide to visit the city 'of Ankh-Morpork, the home of Scuotivento (pay with gold coins, in that city that nice 'enough to buy a half). Not knowing about the Morporkese, duefiori uses a vocabulary that includes all items of the same semantic group, each time a long list. Duefiori inseparable companion, baggage. One case, however wise, refractory to magic, or rather, the same material of the stick most of the wizards' power. The luggage has a voluntary, 'walks alone, and apparently has no teeth and a face. But, above all, nothing stops the advance of the baggage.
The first book recounts their adventures in the middle ', since' the final act della prima storia si ha solo con The light fantastic, la luce fantastica.
L’humor non manca, e’ spassoso come libro, a patto che vi piaccia l’umorismo inglese, ci sono molte citazioni da altri autori fantasy. E come non amare il personaggio di MORTE, che e’ l’unico a parlare in Maiuscoletto (inglese) o Maiuscolo (Italiano). Per definirlo in termini di D&d, Il Neutral per eccellenza.
Comunque non saprei che parametri dare per un giudizio, quindi mettero’ questi
Trama ( ********* *)
Originalita’ ( ********* *)
Personaggi ( ********** )
Smoothness ( ********** )
Amen 'Miscellaneous (humor, jokes, notes, etc.) ( ********** )
Total ( * ********+ )
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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comes from a distant rumble that shakes the earth and frightened souls " the earth trembles, the veins have blood that drips And it fills . Mai event so catastrophic that 80 earthquake, was revived, redesigned, replanted and reported higher levels of compassion and human sympathy, as in this poem Domenico Cipriano . The title is emblematic: " November, and already to read and pronounce the word shiver, because it refers unambiguously to that November, in that sad November 23, so far in some respects, yet so close to our history of men from the south, directly or indirectly to our experience has shown us that the jaws of the earth, made us see death through the eyes of the heart and reason, literally. It could not, a great poet and refined Irpinia and national young but mature in his vision of contemporary poetry, as precisely Domenico Cipriano, avoiding the need, dare I say almost the duty, to "use" the poem, allow me this term in quotes to clarify the concept, to bring us memory, to give life, to humanize it, to sing. We know that the "there" and suggested he was inspired by the imminence of the thirtieth anniversary of that fateful day, ie November 2010, but a good poet and expert on the likes of Domenico Cipriano can do the work of art based on the historical and emotional elements of an event, an event that deeply shocked not only the earth, but especially men. And Cipriano, in his "laboratory" poetic, reconstructs that date, that day of pain, not only revived because it was found there, in those places so badly affected, as a kid (" return to the homes on the ground floor, in the garage / half asleep in the chair, in three days / I grew up, I had more strength and patience "), but also because of its sensitivity, to his great ability to dive with the heart and mind in the ravines and fragments and outs of sentiment and history, investigating and recalling, evaluating and reflecting, " jackals on the remains of houses, among the dead / and stones, but in the cold feed / improvised aid, equipped with force / the same night.. " It is not a guide as a reporter, her, or a cold and scientific essay on historical facts or a story as poignant and detailed it is. " November " by Domenico Cipriano is something more. Precisely because the poem is able to sublimate the whole, raising everything, feeling, sensuality, nature and creation, humans and animals. And the poem Domenico Cipriano is all that is exemplary synthesis of the history of the earthquake, leaving no stone unturned, nothing cast a shadow, but rather emphasizing, though but in the few dense lines, each aspect of social, human, environmental, spiritual.
The book is thin, simple, albeit typographically well done and presented. This is in line with the history of the earthquake, which should not be cloaked in false or sparkling rouge: in respect of the fallen and misery, in respect of those who have lost everything. And the cover, always in tune with the content, features rubble. A book that is completely dedicated to the earthquake, and is still totally and symbolically, as well as in the lyrics, the cover and structure. We take it to emphasize our good Domenico Cipriano, in the note at the end of the book, that the poems are 23, as the date of the earthquake, and that every poem, or "room" consists of 7 verses, which, together with the "prologue" at the end of 34 lines, recalls the time: 7:34 pm, and the introduction, "intro" , is 11 verses, as the number of months, in November for the note.
Domenico Cipriano confirmation, with this work, to be a committed and prolific poet, despite having already reached an unquestionable maturity, as we said above, its maturity that the beautiful land of Irpinia projected in the highest circles of contemporary poetry Italian, continues his journey refining the research and development of already established and evident in the mastery of the poetic word and its distinctive stylistic imprint.
" November " by Domenico Cipriano is a work of great value, both for the content strongly reminiscent, both in how it was done, including through a thorough preface of the illustrious Latinist Antonio La Penna , and accompanied by an invaluable CD Music Pippo Pollina , intirolato " Last Flight", in memory of the tragedy of Ustica.
Domenico Cipriano, "November", Transeuropa Editions, 2010. Collection of poems and other writings "unheard."
Joseph Vetromile
Friday, February 18, 2011
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Lately I'm full, Oh well ', it happens.
I watched Totoro. Beautiful, but still do not understand what the fuck smoke the studio Ghibli, and how the hell do they not get arrested. Seriously. A cat bus? : V
Tic-Tac-Tic-Tac-AAAAAAAAAAND STOP! 23 chapters and 30 pages for the first lemonade on the manga I'm reading. Honestly I expected before, even considering the kind of manga I'm reading (guess '... RIGHT! a comedy romance!)
marvel vs capcom 3: I still enjoy it, even if it' over my desk this afternoon. Of course I will play 'only with Morrigan, Felicia and Phoenix ...
Next anime to watch and' 5cm per second, technically the speed 'of falling cherry petals. Wtf. A ridiculous title, but perhaps the film will not '. I'll see '.
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''There are people during humanitarian disasters work in the shadows, away from the lights of the cameras. Men and women who, through their skilled and valuable work, helping those who are helping to be at 100% fitness. Work behind the scenes but of enormous importance that the Cat ( Chiropractic Action Team) plays in the theaters of humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters. E 'success in the earthquake when hundreds of Abruzzo operators Italian Red Cross (and Fire) involved in disaster relief to affected populations have benefited from chiropractic manipulation of the body'' . And 'what is a statement explaining the Italian Red Cross that it is'' treatments to restore the fundamental psycho-physical balance and to allow aid workers to be efficient for long hours .''
''We thought it intervene with treatments of manipulation on the body of volunteers busy in the relief effort could help them in their work, from the early hours of the earthquake produced a huge stress on their muscles and their joints - explains the Dr. Jennifer Lovern, president of the Cat - From that land in Abruzzo, the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a pilot project in coordination with the Italian Red Cross at national level in collaboration with the Italian Association of Chiropractors and involving the provincial committee of the Red Cross in the Milan first hand how one of the two branches of the project.''
''I have experienced directly, as our other volunteers, the benefits of treatment, during my mission to the earthquake in Italy in the summer of 2009, feeling a great mental and physical benefits, commented Alberto Bruno, President of the Province of Milan of Christ - and I immediately wanted to join the national project Cri-Cat, offering our provincial operational base, as a venue for experimentation, because I am convinced that even in a situation different from the earthquake, volunteers and employees will benefit from the work Cri chiropractors.'' From tomorrow, the Red Cross volunteers and employees will benefit from chiropractic treatment at the Multipurpose Center's Emergency Park north of Milan.
treatments that will be repeated every Saturday until late April, when it will end 'the period of experimentation and CRI and CAT will review the results.
The piece above is based press agency ASCA .
More information can be found at the site of Italian Red Cross and the Red Cross's blog Province of Milan.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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Taken portal 2, I am grateful that he took the hair dryer so pack duo 'to save another € 4 on its actual price.
now lacks only we could play. Um, two months. D'oh.
Even today at home, the reader of Japanese, and 'sick. I hope nothing serious, and considering that 'the most' of the hilarious 3.
takes more and more 'body the Welcome Back! A & a Day, a massive day for superpartita Axis and Allies + pacific europe, table in the basement at my house, so, I say no a lot of beer, so much food, and you pull out all night. Possibility 'event memorable? More than 80%. Possibility 'of livers and spleens destroyed? 99.99% Right now there are only T-shirts with the faction you play, and create a menu 'drive (we have so many ideas that will turn out something like 300 € for food beer not included)
Oh yeah ', and Toradora' was fired by Dynit. I'll take 'all the DVDs, and will' also broadcast on Rai 4. I am really curious to see what it will jump 'out. HOPE FOR THE DYNIT, very painful death penalty, which jumps out of something beautiful, and that DOES NOT EVEN AZZARDINO to change the opening and ending. I could sclera worse than usual.
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A survey of chiropractors English seems to give reason to orthopedic Italians who had made only two months ago a study with similar results.
Men, conscious bag
Use it too can cause back pain. The average weight of 6 kg of the content is between laptops, mobile phones, tablet
Eva Berasso
by the Corriere 15/02/11
LONDON - There is love in every bag, singing some years ago Elio e le Storie Tese. But now the essential accessory for men's fashion, it is heterosexual or homosexual, is now under scrutiny because of orthopedists and chiropractors use it too would cause problems spine.
A Jude Law and David Beckham likes to make racks |
Advice - Do not worry if the bag is just a quirk of Sunday. But anyone who fills every day of their personal property and takes it over the shoulder constantly, here's the caveat: in the long term back problems are insured and even the posture it should not . To avoid incurring annoying and painful diseases, the advice is unanimous: shoulder regularly change, shorten the strap holding the bag, if you can not overload weight of the strap, do not wear long . (...)
Another method of preventing back pain and other disorders could be an application that transforms the iPad in means of transport:
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Tomorrow morning I go to load the postepay. I mean 'this morning, since we are already' 15.
Do not disappoint me. Or I'll Make You Wish You Could die.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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S. Valentino.
The lovers' holiday. No objection to charity ', but there' s a question that haunts me for years.
Why '?
What is it? Apart from spend millions of euros in chocolate / bouquets of roses / bunches of bananas, etc..
in America send their Valentine cards so 'much coveted by charlie brown. In Japan
testosterone boys go to a thousand, hoping to catch the girls chocolate
In Italy an idiot you ask what good is that obligation romance set in one day.
E "so you do not have the girl, you can not understand" while it is true, is irrelevant. 'Cause I should be forced to love to force on a particular day of the year, when I can do it in a balanced manner, 365 days a year? You will say: "yeah but 'special' and I tell '" but because you'? "And you will say 'why' and 'romantic, everything festive" and I will tell you' "what 's romantic and festive in 'be a martyr for the 400 AD? "and you will look for a fucking grip that does not exist'.
be clear, which probably I had a girlfriend I would feel morally obliged to participate in is fucking party. But probably I would do it my way.
But since I do not have, we think that there might be other parties. The party of left-handed is not it? where all things ergonomic offer, or the Feast of the batteries, or because 'no, the feast of the holes in condoms.
Mah should I go to sleep.
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.. by The Wizard 'in the woods, and turning to the young man said, "Watch out where you move here and' whole life, every single thing here has feelings, even that rock you are treading now Right now, I was praying to make you move your foot. "Oh, do not pretend that you believe? the stones do not speak, do not have life within them, no text and no magician I have ever known has dared to say so! "" sure, 'cause nobody believes me. Everyone knows that I can listen to any natural element, even the wind, yet no one, because of its superb little intelligence, no one can hear those voices. Not even your mother hears them, but I can. Yaryn I 'to himself that his master had to be slightly mad, but before he could change the subject, the magician takes the' finger on the chest repeatedly, saying: "I Crazy? Perhaps, but perhaps the madness and 'something beyond me, you, and the world around us, so that those who are' crazy, 'the only one who understood something. You choose if I am the fool, or the ones that give me mad ...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Start doing book reviews is not 'going to be easy, without having in mind a specific pattern of what to review, review it as but above all because 'review it.
This' my case. Over the past 6 months I read a dozen books, I could good or bad review, however, that what is sought in a book? Style? There are books translated from English. Smoothness? Font used? Length of the book?
let's talk about my personal story for now. As a child (I? Baby? Pffft) father forced me, stress and force them to read books. with any punishment, eg no TV for two weeks, no friends, usw
as you can 'imagine the thing I was never very pleased. I still remember the nights spent hours reading books such as Heart, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Treasure Island. Books read unwillingly, who did not leave anything in my head.
short, reading has left a nasty gouge in my childhood. Still have a couple of books given to me by relatives / friends for several birthdays that have yet to be opened (and talk about ten years now).
So what can 'push a person like me to take up the reading?
are diversi fattori in gioco:
- Ho iniziato a scrivere anche io qualcosa, quindi mi e’ necessario ampliare il mio bagaglio culturale (anche se e’ solo di traduzione dall’inglese)
- Inizialmente me li sono fatti prestare
- Sono libri pieni di humour inglese / humour nero
- Sono altamente scorrevoli
- In treno ho parecchio tempo
Tutti questi punti assieme mi hanno fatto riscoprire la lettura come svago, piuttosto che come obbligo. Il primo libro letto in questo modo e’ stato “il senso di smilla per la neve” regalatomi dal liceo per il secondo posto alle olimpiadi di fisica d’istituto 2005/06
Poi, il blackout per qualche anno, fino last year, when I finally approached the English writers fantasy / sci-fi / comic, as Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.
The saga of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and 'a milestone in the field of humorous science fiction, and it' s a pity that the author passed away in 2001, leaving the trilogy in six parts to finish, done in 2010 by Eoin Colfer with "And another thing ..."
The Discworld Terry Pratchett
I could stand here and talk for hours, as is an absurd world, how to be a genius, how to live in that world every time I open one of his books, so I am forced a comprarli in inglese per continuare la lettura che altrimenti si interromperebbe dopo 13 volumi in italiano (ce ne sono 40 in totale…)
questi sono i miei due autori preferiti attualmente. Pratchett forse anche piu’ di Adams, perche’ se mai un giorno riusciro’ a completare la trilogia che sto scrivendo, sara’ solo merito suo, e del suo meraviglioso mondo, creato da zero, come lo e’ il mondo del mio racconto.
Nei prossimi post, forse la recensione di un libro di uno dei 2 autori. Forse.
o forse torno a recensire manga, o anime. Chissa’. O magari mi dimentico nuovamente ti aggiornare il tutto.
Detto questo, Ave atque Vale.
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E 'was presented Friday, Feb. 11, at the' HDE Piazzetta Nilo in Naples, the last book of poems by Aldo Ferraris , entitled "Who has not had forgiveness," published by Editions Kairos in the series "Words of Sibylla" directed and edited by Antonio Spagnuolo .
The first feeling you get from reading the verses of this interesting poet Novara, is to be in front of a modern minstrel, or rather a modern bard. Especially in the first part, the long monologue entitled "Who does not ha avuto perdono ”, che dà anche il titolo all’intera silloge, il pensiero va parallelamente agli antichi cantori greci, se non altro per la grande musicalità di questi versi, per il ritmo cadenzato e per la loro sonorità. Anche in “ Esuli ”, la seconda parte, si ritrova l’impronta del cantore classico: “ Rivelami, luce abissale, la parte innocente del visibile / il nome dei venti a cui affidare l’ansia delle vele / rivelami il segno da tracciare sul corpo delle cose / l’imperfezione del gesto che porta alla conoscenza ”: sembra quasi di riascoltare quel “ Cantami o diva del Pelìde Achille l’ira funesta ... "In the preface to the Iliad. Here too, our poet-singer implores his light abysmal, that is the mysterious depths of being, in a desperate attempt to give meaning to things and the human journey (reveal to the route, deceiver of horizons).
But returning to the first poem, "Who has not had forgiveness, plus we must commend the author for the appropriate choice is one way of showing dell'esergo Ungaretti:" Seeking an innocent country "is the first verses of introduction or presentation: "Now who had lost / will not get it, it's so late. / Now that this century was crouched in his ashes / and makes no mention of repentance / who had no mercy / will not have, which is the dawn . Terrible words, almost doomsday. Aldo Ferraris outcast humanity and dedication these lines late in accepting mercy and forgiveness from a higher spiritual and the divine sphere, and writes for all those who have somehow lost the traditional appointment with justice, with truth, with happiness, and in a word with the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof life. It is as I said a long monologue, in which the verses are linked together in effective enjambement that dictate the rhythm. And the words, the terms are never locked in their unique significance, but they adapt to extensions and extensions which affect mainly the emotional sphere, "the skin of the night ", " shake history", "a printed copy evil sky, "and many other expressions of the genre, full of glittering figures of speech and guess.
But the journey continues. After the first two poems, or rather sing, we find the third, entitled "Foreign ", again with a well-connected exergue of Baudelaire in the original French. After " Exile" and the author is "lost in a new clearing and as a child sings to exorcise fear . It 'obvious that the logical thread begins to glimpse the path that links them, the journey, the experiences of our poet-singer. And, stranger to the city and the world, he notes " sitting at the exact center of the day " and wait with patience and love the world and would be glad to call him at last. Wait, our singer, will wait to come back that old love, shown to him by an air of genuine, from the outskirts of heaven, and he remains motionless, pleading that air of hurry, " soon will be dark, Look at me now ! The conclusion of
the entire route of our poetical Aldo Ferraris, this book could not be a " Prayer" and he sees a line of light that can be reached without passing through the darkness. Living in harmony with nature, it is not getting the things you want, but those referred without awareness, you really need. A right balance, harmony is essential, without soverchierie and without deficits: a budget for living in perfect harmony with creation and adherence.
This conclusion, which is also the goal, in my opinion, the poetic and philosophical research Aldo Ferraris, which uses the word poetry with great experience and mastery, and with a wealth of content that the reader finds out from time to time, as opening up of Chinese boxes, content that reflects on the state of man and how it stands in relation to the world. Who did not lose will still have time to make peace with his conscience and his own identity as a man in search of natural balance.
Joseph Vetromile
Aldo Ferraris, "Who has not had forgiveness," Kairos Editore, Napoli, 2011. Necklace The words of Sibylla, directed by Antonio Spagnuolo. Foreword by David Morgan.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Mount&blade Strongest Faction
A year ago, is aired on Rai Tre - a summer night around midnight - a survey entitled Inventors diseases.
The documentary - edited by Nicole Dent (Vice-President 's Italian Observatory on Global Health ), Luca and Francesca Nava Change - talks about " morgering disease," translated into " marketing of diseases." How do you sell a drug to 10-20 million people? The investigation shows that farmaucetiche now companies are investing more in marketing and in research of new molecules. Marketing of fear.
You can see how a drug is riulizzato for diseases other than simply changing the name and color. It 's the case of the famous Prozac, Sarafem, which is used when calling the "premenstrual dysphoric disorder " in order to lengthen the duration of the patent. The pig did not throw anything away ...
And then also known as clinical trials and side effects, all interspersed with footage of a French comedy whose protagonist, a doctor who invents diseases to their patients, has the motto " there healthy people, but people more or less sick. "
spoke executives from major pharmaceutical companies, doctors, pharmaceutical informants, lawyers, economists and reporters.
Here are some phrases taken from the interviews:
" The only innovation in recent years in the pharmaceutical industry is marketing " (Marcia Angel)
" I called the pharmaceutical industry is a mafia because he acts and behaves exactly like the mafia " (Peter Rost)
" From the moment a case is made for a pharmaceutical company at the time this will have to pay a fine pass so long that the gain from the sale of that drug is much, much higher than the cost of the fine that the pharmaceutical company will pay "(KB Menzies, lawyer)
" They sell fear, fear of growing old, getting sick, afraid of being adolescents, fear of others "(M. Petersen)
"The Chadd, the group of patients for treatment of ADHD, has also admitted taking $ 700,000 from Novartis, the pharmaceutical manufacturer of Ritalin " (M. Oldani)
Want to see it? Then you just do click here to see Inventors diseases .
course we remember the most recent The pharmaceutical business.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Printable Pet Health Record
The mafioso unpoetic
105 poets for the legality
by Gianmario
Epos Lucini Collection of poetry and social policy
CFR Editions - November 2010
"We are used: daily murder victims lying on the asphalt ... ... ... but this indifference is a symptom of evil, "David Puccini.
Moves Gianmario Lucini, in the preface to this volume, the comparison between the role of poetry in the classical and the current society. "The epic poem spoke of the polis, its people and its life, its problems, its doubts, its atavistic fears. It was a poem that can to stay within the historical society and to propose a very clear role, that of interpreter of the deepest humanity, to put it on stage even in its contradictions and paradoxes in his pain. Contemporary poetry instead, too often, is boring and monotonous I proposed a poetic solipsist, who does not care about the other, but only for himself, does not feel responsible for the communication process, but they put Gegenstand, in front, too often from a pulpit, from within a game whose rules are not clear to anyone. It's no wonder people do not read poetry. "
And then, just to trim down this sort" of self-defense by the non-sense of poetry fallen e auto-referenziale”, per stabilire un legame tra quel passato e il nostro presente, per riguadagnare il proprio originale ruolo, anzi, più, “nell’idea di assumere un ruolo speciale”, questa antologia poetica, soggiunge Lucini, “esprime il proposito di rottura con la cultura mafiosa e lo fa parlando alle coscienze, alle sensibilità individuali di ognuno”.
Gianmario Lucini è di Sondrio. La sua storia, tuttavia, lo ha condotto, negli anni 2008 e 2009, in Calabria. Lì ha operato, in qualità di volontario, presso l’Associazione don Milani di Gioiosa Jonica e tale attività lo ha portato a compenetrarsi, a commiserare, a schierarsi con quella gente e a decidere to spend, even more than he had previously done with the weapons at its disposal: the culture, poetry, speech, in favor of the people and against the evil that overwhelms the region. "From what I see there is no evidence in the papers ... only official news said in tone that it is agreed," he writes in his 2010 anthology of Wisdom, whose poems are inspired by the environment of Calabria and "are marked by disgust The mafia culture, the social violence and oppression wrought by the 'Ndrangheta. "
" The dead are called / on winter evenings when mowing the mistral / and their killers to account, " Gianmario Lucini.
L’esperienza calabrese, ritengo, ha vieppiù provato l’animo di Lucini e, benché pure riconosca che “la poesia non è certamente l’arma più adatta per vincere le mafie”, ha rinsaldato in lui il disegno dell’odierno progetto, giacché “la poesia, con altre forze sane della società, deve contribuirvi.”
Questa antologia, afferma oggi egli, è “un omaggio alla memoria di migliaia di vittime che hanno lottato per la libertà e la dignità del lavoro, della vita, per i principi che stanno alla base di una qualsiasi convivenza democratica e dunque per il futuro di noi tutti”. E, come per SAPIENZIALI, l’intento di questo libro “non è solo quello della denuncia ma anche di incitare alla rivolta morale, all’obiezione di coscienza e alla disobbedienza civile”, perché, riprendendo la provocazione di apertura, a quella barbarie non ci si abbia mai ad abituare.
Il progetto quindi è stato concepito prima dei nomi, a prescindere dai “nomi”. Ma questi in verità, attorno a quello, sono presto arrivati.
Tanti autori, i quali hanno consapevolmente aderito all’invito e hanno sostanzialmente preso posizione con i loro atti di poesia.
Nomi noti della cultura italiana contemporanea fianco a fianco di altri meno noti e fra loro, oltre al Nostro: Luca Ariano, Guido Oldani, Patrizia Garofalo, Ivan Fedeli, Antonio Spagnuolo, Fabio Franzini, Luigi Di Ruscio, Fernanda Ferraresso, Adam Vaccaro, Pasquale Vitagliano, Patricia Lanza, Joseph Panetta, Anthony Contilia, Vincenzo Mastropirro, Rose Sage, Alfredo Panetta, Della Porta Fortuna, Eugene Nastasi, David Puccini, Narda factors, Manuel Cohen, Carla Bariffi, Nadia Cavalera, Cinzia Marullo, Tomaso Kemeny, Gero Miceli, Giuseppe Vetromile, Giovanna Turrini, in a wide range of generations and age, between twenty and eighty years, and texts of great artistic value that alternate with others where the spirit of the testimony is the prevailing condition.
This volume, therefore, avoids the concept of the anthology in the orthodox sense of the term of choice flowers. The same Lucini, however, asserts that he intended to "put in brackets the need to select the text by selecting only the most prestigious literary point of view," reiterating that "it is much more important to get a clear signal, expressing a general willingness in the literary community. " With this
also hitting a further goal, that of a large turnout from Piedmont to Sicily, Sardinia and Veneto locations around the boot: Pavia, Novara, Milan, Asti, Cuneo, Rieti, Cagliari, Rome, Monza , Siena, Sondrio, Naples, Trieste, Verona, Padova, Bari, Perugia, Cosenza, Venice, Reggio Calabria, Turin, Bologna, Trapani, Genoa, Catanzaro, Ferrara, Livorno, Parma, Forli, Matera, Frosinone, Lecco, Avellino, Lecce, Varese, Alexandria, Reggio Emilia, Mantova, Vicenza, Agrigento, Pisa.
The themes, to make you just a hint, the urgency should be to distance itself from the physical and ethical Mafia, "I wash the decay I feel as soon as you close," Patrick Garofalo to realize that it is not / is not longer a localized phenomenon only in the South, "It is now all over the underworld," Nadia Cavalera, the disapproval of his cruelty, "they found him / burned the next day on a cattle track / with a stone in mouth, "Narda factors, incitement to the conscience and the healthy forces of society to oppose and defeat it," the poison to be taken down from the windows, / if we want to build, "Carla Bariffi, and so on. On the whole, however, imposes
, supported also by the solidarity, hope, all that remains whenever a Pandora's box is empty, and the hope that everything in this world as the Mafia will end sooner or later, will run out, will cease.
"Among the beauty and hell / are / One Hundred Steps. / A country does not mean being alone, "Giovanna Turrini.
Marco Scalabrino