unpoetic mafioso, 105 poets for poets Voices of legality
The mafioso
105 poets for the legality
by Gianmario
Epos Lucini Collection of poetry and social policy
CFR Editions - November 2010
"We are used: daily murder victims lying on the asphalt ... ... ... but this indifference is a symptom of evil, "David Puccini.
Moves Gianmario Lucini, in the preface to this volume, the comparison between the role of poetry in the classical and the current society. "The epic poem spoke of the polis, its people and its life, its problems, its doubts, its atavistic fears. It was a poem that can to stay within the historical society and to propose a very clear role, that of interpreter of the deepest humanity, to put it on stage even in its contradictions and paradoxes in his pain. Contemporary poetry instead, too often, is boring and monotonous I proposed a poetic solipsist, who does not care about the other, but only for himself, does not feel responsible for the communication process, but they put Gegenstand, in front, too often from a pulpit, from within a game whose rules are not clear to anyone. It's no wonder people do not read poetry. "
And then, just to trim down this sort" of self-defense by the non-sense of poetry fallen e auto-referenziale”, per stabilire un legame tra quel passato e il nostro presente, per riguadagnare il proprio originale ruolo, anzi, più, “nell’idea di assumere un ruolo speciale”, questa antologia poetica, soggiunge Lucini, “esprime il proposito di rottura con la cultura mafiosa e lo fa parlando alle coscienze, alle sensibilità individuali di ognuno”.
Gianmario Lucini è di Sondrio. La sua storia, tuttavia, lo ha condotto, negli anni 2008 e 2009, in Calabria. Lì ha operato, in qualità di volontario, presso l’Associazione don Milani di Gioiosa Jonica e tale attività lo ha portato a compenetrarsi, a commiserare, a schierarsi con quella gente e a decidere to spend, even more than he had previously done with the weapons at its disposal: the culture, poetry, speech, in favor of the people and against the evil that overwhelms the region. "From what I see there is no evidence in the papers ... only official news said in tone that it is agreed," he writes in his 2010 anthology of Wisdom, whose poems are inspired by the environment of Calabria and "are marked by disgust The mafia culture, the social violence and oppression wrought by the 'Ndrangheta. "
" The dead are called / on winter evenings when mowing the mistral / and their killers to account, " Gianmario Lucini.
L’esperienza calabrese, ritengo, ha vieppiù provato l’animo di Lucini e, benché pure riconosca che “la poesia non è certamente l’arma più adatta per vincere le mafie”, ha rinsaldato in lui il disegno dell’odierno progetto, giacché “la poesia, con altre forze sane della società, deve contribuirvi.”
Questa antologia, afferma oggi egli, è “un omaggio alla memoria di migliaia di vittime che hanno lottato per la libertà e la dignità del lavoro, della vita, per i principi che stanno alla base di una qualsiasi convivenza democratica e dunque per il futuro di noi tutti”. E, come per SAPIENZIALI, l’intento di questo libro “non è solo quello della denuncia ma anche di incitare alla rivolta morale, all’obiezione di coscienza e alla disobbedienza civile”, perché, riprendendo la provocazione di apertura, a quella barbarie non ci si abbia mai ad abituare.
Il progetto quindi è stato concepito prima dei nomi, a prescindere dai “nomi”. Ma questi in verità, attorno a quello, sono presto arrivati.
Tanti autori, i quali hanno consapevolmente aderito all’invito e hanno sostanzialmente preso posizione con i loro atti di poesia.
Nomi noti della cultura italiana contemporanea fianco a fianco di altri meno noti e fra loro, oltre al Nostro: Luca Ariano, Guido Oldani, Patrizia Garofalo, Ivan Fedeli, Antonio Spagnuolo, Fabio Franzini, Luigi Di Ruscio, Fernanda Ferraresso, Adam Vaccaro, Pasquale Vitagliano, Patricia Lanza, Joseph Panetta, Anthony Contilia, Vincenzo Mastropirro, Rose Sage, Alfredo Panetta, Della Porta Fortuna, Eugene Nastasi, David Puccini, Narda factors, Manuel Cohen, Carla Bariffi, Nadia Cavalera, Cinzia Marullo, Tomaso Kemeny, Gero Miceli, Giuseppe Vetromile, Giovanna Turrini, in a wide range of generations and age, between twenty and eighty years, and texts of great artistic value that alternate with others where the spirit of the testimony is the prevailing condition.
This volume, therefore, avoids the concept of the anthology in the orthodox sense of the term of choice flowers. The same Lucini, however, asserts that he intended to "put in brackets the need to select the text by selecting only the most prestigious literary point of view," reiterating that "it is much more important to get a clear signal, expressing a general willingness in the literary community. " With this
also hitting a further goal, that of a large turnout from Piedmont to Sicily, Sardinia and Veneto locations around the boot: Pavia, Novara, Milan, Asti, Cuneo, Rieti, Cagliari, Rome, Monza , Siena, Sondrio, Naples, Trieste, Verona, Padova, Bari, Perugia, Cosenza, Venice, Reggio Calabria, Turin, Bologna, Trapani, Genoa, Catanzaro, Ferrara, Livorno, Parma, Forli, Matera, Frosinone, Lecco, Avellino, Lecce, Varese, Alexandria, Reggio Emilia, Mantova, Vicenza, Agrigento, Pisa.
The themes, to make you just a hint, the urgency should be to distance itself from the physical and ethical Mafia, "I wash the decay I feel as soon as you close," Patrick Garofalo to realize that it is not / is not longer a localized phenomenon only in the South, "It is now all over the underworld," Nadia Cavalera, the disapproval of his cruelty, "they found him / burned the next day on a cattle track / with a stone in mouth, "Narda factors, incitement to the conscience and the healthy forces of society to oppose and defeat it," the poison to be taken down from the windows, / if we want to build, "Carla Bariffi, and so on. On the whole, however, imposes
, supported also by the solidarity, hope, all that remains whenever a Pandora's box is empty, and the hope that everything in this world as the Mafia will end sooner or later, will run out, will cease.
"Among the beauty and hell / are / One Hundred Steps. / A country does not mean being alone, "Giovanna Turrini.
Marco Scalabrino