The first feeling you get from reading the verses of this interesting poet Novara, is to be in front of a modern minstrel, or rather a modern bard. Especially in the first part, the long monologue entitled "Who does not ha avuto perdono ”, che dà anche il titolo all’intera silloge, il pensiero va parallelamente agli antichi cantori greci, se non altro per la grande musicalità di questi versi, per il ritmo cadenzato e per la loro sonorità. Anche in “ Esuli ”, la seconda parte, si ritrova l’impronta del cantore classico: “ Rivelami, luce abissale, la parte innocente del visibile / il nome dei venti a cui affidare l’ansia delle vele / rivelami il segno da tracciare sul corpo delle cose / l’imperfezione del gesto che porta alla conoscenza ”: sembra quasi di riascoltare quel “ Cantami o diva del Pelìde Achille l’ira funesta ... "In the preface to the Iliad. Here too, our poet-singer implores his light abysmal, that is the mysterious depths of being, in a desperate attempt to give meaning to things and the human journey (reveal to the route, deceiver of horizons).
But returning to the first poem, "Who has not had forgiveness, plus we must commend the author for the appropriate choice is one way of showing dell'esergo Ungaretti:" Seeking an innocent country "is the first verses of introduction or presentation: "Now who had lost / will not get it, it's so late. / Now that this century was crouched in his ashes / and makes no mention of repentance / who had no mercy / will not have, which is the dawn . Terrible words, almost doomsday. Aldo Ferraris outcast humanity and dedication these lines late in accepting mercy and forgiveness from a higher spiritual and the divine sphere, and writes for all those who have somehow lost the traditional appointment with justice, with truth, with happiness, and in a word with the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof life. It is as I said a long monologue, in which the verses are linked together in effective enjambement that dictate the rhythm. And the words, the terms are never locked in their unique significance, but they adapt to extensions and extensions which affect mainly the emotional sphere, "the skin of the night ", " shake history", "a printed copy evil sky, "and many other expressions of the genre, full of glittering figures of speech and guess.
But the journey continues. After the first two poems, or rather sing, we find the third, entitled "Foreign ", again with a well-connected exergue of Baudelaire in the original French. After " Exile" and the author is "lost in a new clearing and as a child sings to exorcise fear . It 'obvious that the logical thread begins to glimpse the path that links them, the journey, the experiences of our poet-singer. And, stranger to the city and the world, he notes " sitting at the exact center of the day " and wait with patience and love the world and would be glad to call him at last. Wait, our singer, will wait to come back that old love, shown to him by an air of genuine, from the outskirts of heaven, and he remains motionless, pleading that air of hurry, " soon will be dark, Look at me now ! The conclusion of
the entire route of our poetical Aldo Ferraris, this book could not be a " Prayer" and he sees a line of light that can be reached without passing through the darkness. Living in harmony with nature, it is not getting the things you want, but those referred without awareness, you really need. A right balance, harmony is essential, without soverchierie and without deficits: a budget for living in perfect harmony with creation and adherence.
This conclusion, which is also the goal, in my opinion, the poetic and philosophical research Aldo Ferraris, which uses the word poetry with great experience and mastery, and with a wealth of content that the reader finds out from time to time, as opening up of Chinese boxes, content that reflects on the state of man and how it stands in relation to the world. Who did not lose will still have time to make peace with his conscience and his own identity as a man in search of natural balance.
Joseph Vetromile
Aldo Ferraris, "Who has not had forgiveness," Kairos Editore, Napoli, 2011. Necklace The words of Sibylla, directed by Antonio Spagnuolo. Foreword by David Morgan.
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