Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can You Use Any Polish With Konad

The corner of the manga reader 九

Double bet that today, which reviewed a couple of manga by Mizuki Kawashita, famous for 100% strawberry, Lilim kiss and so on.


Manga fairly short, I'd say about 4 tankobon about the style of drawing and 'clear, anyone who has picked up his work would know recognize the style of Mangaka.

The story is about a boy's town, like many others, who suddenly is living with a 17 year old girl, suddenly appeared in his life that he offers to take care of him while his father and ' in viaggio per affari. Chiaramente la ragazza e’ una sventola, e di lei non si sa niente, da dove venga, perche’ abbia bisogno di dormire nella stessa stanza di Kouta.. Tra il batticuore del povero (povero?) tredicenne.

La storia si sviluppa come sempre nel lato comico, con l’eroe che solo alla fine della storia fa un passo verso qualcuno, giocando su molti equivoci con compagni (e compagne di classe).

Ma dietro alla storia centrale c’e’ la tristezza il senso di inquietudine, che il ragazzo vive, turbato dai suoi sentimenti. un elemento caratteristico delle storie della Mangaka. Finora tutti i suoi manga che ho letto in qualche modo mostrano questa cosa, il protagonista non e’ never sure, and 'sad, a little' nerd, if we are honest.

The finish leaves sad. bitter. Fortunately, that there 'was the specialist who saved me from ane doki brand as one of the manga more' sad that I have read, though not it seems.

Plot ( ****** ****)
Drawings ( ******** **)
Originality '( ****** *** *)
Characters ( ******* ***)
Total ( ******* ***)

Akane-chan Overdrive

Dei disegni non dico niente, sono i soliti.

I personaggi sono 3,4 o forse cinque, ma del quinto non sappiamo niente, se non che e’ una ragazza paralizzata, senza anima, che viene posseduta dall’anima del protagonista, morto (o quasi) scivolando e battendo il capo. La storia quindi si sviluppa attorno a lei, ragazza 16enne, con l’anima e la coscienza di lui, ragazzo 19enne.

Questo manga non lo capisco. Ho paura che non abbia incontrato il favore del pubblico e sia stato costretto a chiudere dopo solo 8 capitoli. Peccato perche’ la storia poteva essere interessante.

Trama ( * *********)
Disegni ( ******** **)
Originality '( ****** ****)
Characters ( ***** *****)
Total ( ****/ *** **)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Airwolf Diecast Helicopter


E playoffs were.

against the bastards of Treviso. we lost. Bad shit, I hate you, hate you, you shit in bottles. +27 With possession with 3 seconds left and try shooting from 3. Son of a bitch.

If you did not understand, we lost. the good news' that I have staked the whole time without a burst in the field. worse than I thought, my fitness and 'much better than the beginning of the year. then as I never threw up 8 pounds since beginning of year? Eccheccazzo.

Balotelli Totti strikes and says it is 'her fault and that' a provocateur. And the world it stands for. 6 months out of all competitions if there were any justice in the world I am. If that had happened to any one Paramatti would end its football (soccer? Paramatti?). Balotelli 'behavior as an emeritus idiot, but' strong. god and 'strong. and break a player does not seem like a good idea.

Facebook is getting worse. Whose fault is it? But of course the 14 year olds who do not know what the fuck do clog up once and for good sites, with their abbreviations and their k. But a minimum of 18 years on sites no sti? O at least a grammar test before. Come on, not 'hard.

I seriously stop buying all the games on offer for the PC, last week was the Codemasters racing pack, stuff for the value of 75 € to 16 weeks there is a € 5 Command & Conquer 3 . I wait for the circle closes with something like modern warfare 2 to 20 €, and then everything 'done.

Talking about everything and done, I got my flying mount to 310% on wow. and now I have to do what the fuck? play well 'in case I do not like, I do not like raiding more', but 'I am sorry to leave the game' cause I've spent over a year on that pg, and it 'really came well.

Friday 'hello beautiful dinner. It was time.