Monday, November 29, 2010

Feeling Wetaround Period

diseases ad hoc, pressures, scams. Inquiry on Small Business of the drug review

From multinationals to medicines coming into the house
Brecciaroli and Marcello Federico Schiavi
from del 28/11/10

Cosa sappiamo veramente delle medicine che prendiamo? Nulla o quasi , ma riponiamo la nostra fiducia nelle mani dei medici che ce le prescrivono, convinti che loro sappiano tutto, come se quel camice bianco fosse una sorta di garanzia inequivocabile. Ma è davvero cosi? Abbiamo indagato per Current TV sul business miliardario che gira attorno ai farmaci e sugli interessi delle case farmaceutiche che, troppo spesso, prendono il sopravvento sulla salute delle persone. Abbiamo analizzato le strategie di marketing usate dalle multinazionali del farmaco e conosciuto le pressioni che vengono esercitate sui medici affinché prescribe certain medicines. The result is the investigation Vanguard entitled the pharmaceutical business: a survey that intends to place particular attention to what our doctors are truly informed about the quality of the medications we take and advise on what are the people who speculate on our health for profit's sake.

The Disease mongering is the example par excellence is a term that means "to sell diseases," and is the most extreme practices of pharmaceutical marketing. You can not advertise it prescription medicines, and then the final frontier of marketing is advertising to diseases, sometimes inventing them. The most striking example is the H1N1 influenza in 2009, swine flu, which creates a simple alarmism and panic throughout the world . It is a very common practice that we have tried to analyze. The other aspect that has emerged from the investigation are fraud against the NHS , too often the focus of news reports because of doctors who, in cahoots with medical representatives and pharmacists, committed the offense more widespread: the comparaggio. A real tangent pharmaceutical pay informants ai medici per far sì che prescrivano quantità notevoli dei medicinali da loro pubblicizzati. Il Sistema sanitario nazionale è l'apparato statale che richiede più soldi in assoluto: decine di miliardi di euro all'anno e controlli non sempre efficaci creano un ambiente ideale per le truffe. Per capire come si convince un medico a prescrivere un farmaco invece che un altro (magari uguale ma di una marca diversa ) siamo andati a parlare con chi si occupa proprio di marketing per conto delle case farmaceutiche: manager e informatori scientifici del farmaco hanno accettato di svelarci attraverso testimonianze anonime i trucchi del loro mestiere e le collusioni spesso illecite che si creano tra i nostri dottori e i produttori di farmaci. Ne è revealed a bleak picture. Often, even the doctors know all the side effects of medication prescribing, simply because the emissaries of the pharmaceutical companies fail to disclose it to sell more .

the pharmaceutical business is an inquiry into the vested interests that bring a pill factory in the palm of our hand . A path made of dynamics that often have little or nothing of scientific and where our health is a goal marginal. We investigated the effects of the marketing policies of pharmaceutical companies on public spending and found that too many people fail to take advantage of every day. In this tangled world, however, sometimes a case of excellence comes to sweeten the pill is the case of the San Camillo hospital in Rome where, thanks to new technologies and the use of drugs not covered by a patent, you can protect both state coffers that the health of patients.

From the presentation of the program at Current TV:

From marketing, queen only rule in the distribution of drugs, to agreements between governments and multinational companies for "management" of disease, from the confessions of anonymous informants pharmaceuticals, the strange role key practitioners: what lies behind a drug and what is really required? Starting from 1 December at 21:10

Now you know what to watch next Wednesday! Current TV, which is the channel of the former U.S. vice-president and Nobel Peace Prize 2007 Al Gore, the found on channel 130 of SKY .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Colonial Life Insurance Company Pregnancy

sports chiropractic November

from La Gazzetta dello Sport of 21/11/10:
(...), John Terry returned to Milan after consultation with the chiropractor Belgian Jean-Pierre Meersseman , could return available in a few days and not a few months, as we feared during the week. Man MilanLab would, in fact, diagnosed the captain a simple pulled muscle and not a problem with the sciatic nerve. From here, a little 'rest and JT is as good as before, so we are talking about its possible use in the Champions League on Tuesday.

by of 23/11/10:
'loads increase in the weight room strength, but harden the athlete. Most challenging problems in the co-contraction - Alfio said Caronti chiropractor and lecturer at the Faculty of Sports Science at the University of Tor Vergata -. In practice, increases the resistance of muscles agonists and antagonists.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

High Calorie Protein Shake

water arsenic: EU closes the valves of 128 Italian municipalities

Brussels document to the Ministry of Health denies the exemption limits for drinking water. It imposes order to prohibit its use in food. Lazio region worst affected

Alessandro Fullon
from of 22/11/10

ROME - The 'niet' come from the European Union is exhaustive, and no exception to ' raising the limits requested by Italy on the concentration of arsenic in potable waters. Because in some cases can cause illness, even the occurrence of cancer. Take now a race against time to prevent home of thousands of families taps may remain closed due to a possible flurry of orders.
ordinances are required by Brussels, which could prohibit the use of drinking water. This notice was sent Oct. 28 by the Ministry of Health Environment of the EU opened a heavy public health problem in 128 municipalities of the boot split between five regions.

CITIES 'IN EMERGENCY - At the top is Lazio, with 91 towns and villages (spread between the provinces of Rome, Latina and Viterbo), where the mayors, less than miraculous last-minute solutions , may be forced to sign a measure to ban drinking water.
list - published by - \u200b\u200bSeguela Tuscany, with 16 locations, 10 more are in Trentino, Lombardy and 8 in 3 in Umbria. All have the same problem: water systems there is a high concentration of arsenic, sometimes with a maximum of 50 micrograms per liter while the law allows a maximum of 10. Quantities that would be out of the norm - Italy said in a dossier sent to the EU - for reasons 'natural' in some way originate from geological layers of lava, as in the case of the Castelli Romani and Viterbo.

THE EU: POSSIBLE CANCER RISK - Justification, however, unheard by the European Union - allowing the application only for the less worrisome Borio and fluoride - no longer wants, in drinking water, those numbers above 10 micrograms of arsenic per liter. The reason is that "values \u200b\u200bof 30, 40 and 50 micrograms 'may determine' health risks, particularly certain forms of cancer." That's why the exceptions only for limited periods, can be obtained up to concentrations of 20 micrograms per liter.

IN TROUBLE '250 thousand families - In February, Italy - which has implemented the EU directives on drinking water in a law in force since 2001 - has prompted to temporarily raise the limits, of course, 50. But the EU has rejected the demand by blowing up a problem that, according to the official document sent to the Ministry of Health, concerns the taps of about 250 thousand families.
to be involved are large countries and capitals of a few dozen souls to stay at Lazio, the "interested users" in Latin is 115,490, with the Aprilia 66,624, 62,441 to Viterbo and then again at 10 000 and 18 000 in Sabaudia Albano. Tuscany holiday destinations in the waters at risk as Piombino, Cecina, Portoferraio and Porto Azzurro, but also Foiano della Chiana, Montevarchi, Campo Elba, Rio Marina, San Vincenzo. Problems also in Orvieto in Umbria, and in Solda di Fuori, Alto Adige, are "only" 25 residents who may find themselves without water.

ANCHE IN LOMBARDIA E TRENTINO - Acque non salubri vengono identificate nella tabella del documento Ue nelle province di Mantova (Marcaria, Roncoferraro, Viadana), Sondrio (Valdidentro e Valfurva) e Varese (Maccagno, Sesto Calende, Dumenza). Il comune di Cava Manara, in passato con problemi, ora ha acque «perfettamente potabili» grazie all’apertura di nuovi pozzi. In Trentino, risultano non a norma le acque di Laste/Cantanghel, Canal San Bovo, Fierrozzo, Frassilongo.
Quanto alla Campania, 14 comuni - non gravati dall'allarme arsenico - hanno ottenuto la deroga per ciò che riguarda il floruro: si tratta di Boscotrecase, Cercola, Ercolano, Ottaviano, Pollena Trocchia, Portici, S. Anastasia, San Giorgio a Cremano, S. Giuseppe Vesuviano, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, Somma Vesuvius, Terzigno, Tower of the Greek, Volla.

Alerting PREFECTURE - What happens next is unclear. Contacts are underway between the frenetic Ministry of Health and Environment Department of the regions involved. Where the problem is most felt - just as in New York - Asl and municipalities interested in the possible prohibition have met to outline a common strategy, even alerting the Prefectures. It 'been asked for a ruling at the Higher Institute of Health to establish guidelines which will by the authorities while the region has prepared a kind of handbook that will soon be distributed to schools, public offices, hospitals and companies.

"Filters" water systems - in essence: you have to be given the maximum information to users about the new rules. Then the responsibility will pass to the mayors who will evaluate whether to sign the orders for the ban. Meanwhile Acea, Regional Commissioner and the drinking water system are kind of "filters" to reduce the presence of 'Arsenic and mix water from the aqueducts such as the Simbruini - free of arsenic - with those collected from the wells, the main accused values \u200b\u200boutside the norm.

LA DOMESTIC CLEANER SOLUTION - "Measures to study for some time - is the assurance came after the meeting - but that must now be accelerated because of EU legislation that nobody expected so immediate." In this situation there are those who whooping they arrange themselves, so that near Frascati, south of Rome, a group of citizens has seen fit to buy a water filter for arsenic.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bleach Discoloured My Clother

こんばんは Random Words!

E via, come al solito mi sono perso per affari miei e non ho mai aggiornato il blog. Oh beh. Chissenefrega.

Dunque, breve recap di che mi e’ successo in sti mesi.

Ciao udine, benvenuta (BENVENUTA?) venezia. Eh gia’, ho cambiato universita’. Ho abbandonato informatica, e sono andato a fare qualcosa di molto, molto simile. Lingue e Culture dell’asia Orientale, Giapponese.
Ancora oggi non so perche’ ho scelto sta lingua. Pero’ mi piaceva, aveva una bella fonetica, e si presta molto bene al parlato femminile. Seiyuu Go, go! > _ \u0026lt;"

Fantasy Football, I started the league with friends from my brother ( ) started already 'a curse, are the first to magic points are made but in 9 of 12 standings. All against me. Holy Christ. All kick drum and its argument. But fuck that I paid too much.

Chapter manga: I would have to review, I would like also to review anime, just do not have time to actually do it. Probably the next post will be 'one of these two types.

Basketball: The old lions are left with a pretty good road map, 3 wins and 1 loss. Very impressive, compared previous years. We continue this way 'boys.

readings. Ah, yes', there 's also a novelty', I started reading the books (Sacrilege). As with the entire series of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And the first of the Discworld novels. I review 'as well, sooner or later.

Portal 2: less than 3 months. 10/02/2011. You do not know pride, you do not know fear, you do not know anything. You'll be perfect.