Saturday, March 12, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop Advent Calendar

Ehr ..

Earthquake in Japan. Ok, monstrous earthquake followed by tsunami. currently a thousand victims found.

people who poured down the street in panic, explosions in nuclear power plants, radioactive fallout, announced meltdown.

And then you see the old woman walking quietly along with all the other Japanese.

TG Italian, go a bit 'to hell vala', you and your doom

I wish all of Japan to recover quickly, and that the spirits of the victims may rest in peace.

Mac Pokemon Silver Rom

The sixth edition of the Literary Award Christmas

was held Friday, March 11, at the Aula Magna del Liceo Classico "F. Maurolico "in Messina, the awards ceremony of the sixth edition of the National Literary Award " Maria Pina Christmas , this year dedicated to fiction published and unpublished. The
Award Maria Pina Christmas, organized with great commitment and competence by writer Maria Lucrezia Magistri, was created to commemorate the distinguished figure of a talented writer and poet Messina, also known in literary circles National: Maria Pina Christmas , who died suddenly in 2004. Author of numerous novels, short stories and poems, Christmas Maria Pina was also careful literary critic and translator of works by French and English, and has also published several essays on various important literary magazines. It recalled the life and work, the President of the Jury, Professor Anna Maria Crisafulli Sartori, prior to the awards, which were assigned as follows: Pino Loperfido from Caldonazzo (Tn), first prize for his novel "The mechanics of unhappiness " Joy Valenti, Rome, 2nd prize for his novel " Colors on the theme" Luca Guarino , da Moncalieri, 3° premio per il romanzo “ Il forestiero della vita ”. E per la narrativa inedita: Giuseppe Vetromile , 1° premio per il racconto “ In attesa di niente ”; Ambra De Prisco , da Napoli, 2° premio per il racconto “ La trasmigrazione ”; Sergio Busà , da Messina, 3° premio per il racconto “ Il profumo della tempesta ”. I premi consistevano in somme di danaro (rispettivamente 500, 400 e 300 euro per la sezione romanzo edito; 400, 300 e 200 euro per la sezione fiction novel), made available by the grandsons (Charles and Lucretia M. Magistri) the writer Maria Pina Christmas to honor his memory and to disseminate the literary work.
The jury, presided as has been said by Professor Sartori Crisafulli, was composed by Katia Bonfiglio, professor of Italian and Latin; She Imbalzano, literary critic, and writer, Rina Pandolfo. He read excerpts of the winning entries Mrs. Clelia Rol while young masters Alessia Pital (harp) and Francis Tusa (violin), have entertained the large audience present in the room with various piacevolissimi interventi musicali.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Aneurysm In Stomach Can They Grow Back

Nathan Never Giant on newsstands!

Esce questo mese il Nathan Never Gigante n.14 "La sorgente nascosta".

Soggetto: Germano Bonazzi

Sceneggiatura: Stefano Vietti

Disegni: Germano Bonazzi

Copertina: Germano Bonazzi

La città di New Alamo, sulla costa Ovest, cresce e si sviluppa grazie alla diga ideata e realizzata dall’ingegner Max Powell e dal suo socio, Andrew Bacon. Ma la struttura è soggetta a continui sabotaggi e il Consiglio di Sicurezza chiede all’Agenzia Alfa di affiancare gli abituali agenti di sorveglianza della costruzione. Il loro capo è Larry Frost, a man leading the investigation so rude and violent. During an action, in fact, are killed is the same Powell that the saboteurs, inexplicably present in their lair. Carolyn, son of the engineer, asks help his Alfa to shed light on the death of his father and find out what was going to reveal shortly before he was killed ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Does Wax Cost At Penney's

Comic strip # 11 - Limitations

I'll come only to this side of the room
because of a cramp in his neck

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Do People Make Fun Of Others

The corner of the manga reader 12

Today, March 6 (ahahah. enough.) I'll talk about 'a case of a manga by chance, and the choice' fell on MxO MxO

typical shounen manga, with a few battles here and there ', the story is about this boy who joins a school that makes use of magic, a little' for the event, and all believe that it is capable of great magic 'cause you had taken possession of the card magic of a professor. Must keep the secret (can not use magic) and cope in a school full of pitfalls virtually alone. The other characters are somewhat in the background, never entered into details, let's say the extras. Only 2:00 to 3:00 are fully developed. As if only the main character mattered.

design and 'sometimes very detailed, sometimes very slightly edited, but in general the impression I gave, and 'total satisfaction. Sometimes there are also chibis, which are useless, but there are the same. Since then a ecchi, no shortage of right angles for different shot.

The plot and 'fairly straightforward, is developing well, but the final' in my view, incomplete. goes off to study for a year. Ok, then what? Explodes into a thousand pieces? Be able to do photosynthesis? No one says, and honestly I think it's a shame, 'cause you could work in a bit more', at least until you get to 3 years. (Or probably it 'was closed earlier)

Plot ( ******* ***)
Drawings ( ********* *)
Originality '( ******* ***)
Characters ( ******** **) Total
( *******+ **)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Milena Velba - Airport Security

Doctors rebels who say "no thanks, I'll pay"

This is a spontaneous group of people working in different Health areas (regions, districts, local health authorities, universities, research centers, hospital wards, outpatient clinics, etc.). paediatricians and family doctors, specialists in various disciplines, medical students and residents, nurses, midwives , pharmacists, pharmacologists, district directors, directors of local health authorities, researchers, psychologists, journalists sector ... In

group was founded in March 2004. Since then he has produced documents and projects to propose ways different from the relationship between the world of health and the pharmaceutical industry. It also produces and disseminates information on constantly what happens if the business interests or personal (money, fame, career), groups, politicians or institutions, in conflict with the protection of health . As well as on the proposals and experiments under way around the world to overcome this type of conflict of interest .

The rules are simple: Do not accept

industry Drug :
1. gifts of any kind, from those of lesser value (such as gadgets, pens, etc..) To the more expensive (such as books, payment of membership meetings, board and lodging, travel, etc.).
2 . funding for
- relate to educational events sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry
- implement training events
- produce materials to colleagues or to the people and refuse to use for this purpose material produced by pharmaceutical companies.

This information is taken from the site of the " No thanks, I'll pay . Strict rules for doctors and health workers honest and ethics intact. More than appreciated and it's nice to know that health is not just medical malpractice.

To learn more, in addition to their site you can look to other articles and interviews on , Traces and ,