Thursday, December 30, 2010
Blog Notre Dame School In Ajax
National competition of poetry, fiction and visual arts "Kriterion"
The world we imagine not land has opaque, peripheral roads populated by outsiders, but only highways where immigrants and citizens together building new ways of coexistence, where the neighbor house turns into an enemy not to the madness of someone, where there are no mountains Taigete but everyone expects the friend in trouble and perhaps through his hand. A journey of discovery that takes thousand different directions but a single port of arrival: the dignity of all human beings.
The twentieth century has been called the century of genocide and that is why we want to analyze the roots of intolerance approaching a forgotten genocide: that of the Armenians.
RULES The competition is divided into three sections for adults: A
-unpublished poem adult B Edit-Fiction; C Unpublished-Fiction;
and two private school students of all levels: D-unpublished poetry students E - Design students.
Section for adults.
Section A - unpublished poems
Each author may send a single poem on any subject or topic of the diversity of not more than 25 verses, in six copies, typed, anonymous, but with a short code that must be included at the bottom of and each copy reproduced on separate envelope containing the complete name of the author (name, address, telephone number) and title of the opera in competition. In addition, each author must sign a declaration of paternity and of inediticità of your computer.
Section B - Narrative Edit
It competes with a novel, published in January 2009 in three copies at short cover letter attached. The publishers may submit only one title. Excludes self-published novels.
Section C
Each author may submit a short story or a story on any subject not exceeding 5 pages (30righe x 60 characters) in six typed copies, with the same procedures for unpublished poetry.
The theme for this year is: "I was Armenian, I have deported, I was an immigrant, I have marginalized, have been disabled, you have humiliated me, and we have the same heart, did you forget? "
Section D - unpublished poems
The section is intended for students of institutes of all levels. Every young competitor holds a single poem of no longer than 25 verses, in six copies signed and accompanied by complete details and background education. They will not be assessed the poems not related to the theme proposed.
Section E - Design students
Every young competitor, as in the poetry section, may participate with one work performed by any technique and size, general complete and from school. E 'be given the opportunity to compete with a' work made collectively by a single class with students identified by the participants, class, section, school. In this case the Institute will receive the award.
1. Competitors must strictly abide by the rules of this notice, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.
2. Each paper should reach the secretariat of the award not later than February 28, 2011 (as confirmed by the postmark). The packages can be sent via priority mail at:
Competition Kriterion " AIPD Sec. Avellino c / o Gerald Pepe, Via Pianodardine, 9 -83 042 Atripalda (Av).
3. To participate in the prize are not required membership fees, but a payment to dell'Aipd sect. Avellino only for sections "A" "C" adults. In the "A" and "C" Euro 5.00; For individuals participating in both sections $ 10, non-payment will automatically be excluded from the competition, published for the narrative section is not expected reading fee. For the sections reserved for students, "D" and "E" can make a voluntary payment. Send the relevant amounts in the c / c postale n. 10282838 payable to: AIPD Chamber of Avellino.
4. Entries will not be returned. The work of the jury, whose names will be announced on the occasion of the award, is final and binding.
5. The Association reserves the right not to award certain prizes if the quality of the projects were generally considered to be inadequate. Also reserves the right to publish the winning works without any compensation to participants.
AWARDS 1. The first three winners of the unpublished poems adult section will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 700 + degree.
2nd prize Euro 400 + degree.
3rd prize Euro 200 + degree.
2. For the first three sections of the published fiction will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 1,000 + diploma.
+ certificate 2nd place plaque.
3rd place Cup + qualification.
3. The first three winners of the fiction section will be awarded respectively
1st prize Euro 300 + degree.
200 + Plaque 2nd place certificate.
Cup 3rd place 100 + degree.
The first three winners of the three-section design and poetry for students for students (elementary schools, middle schools, high schools) will be awarded respectively
1st place Euro 50 + diploma.
2nd place Cup + qualification.
+ certificate 3rd place plaque.
The jury reserves the right to award prizes or special merits. Prizes must be collected in person or by proxy, otherwise loss of eligibility.
4. The awards ceremony will take place within the month of May 2010. The winners will be notified personally. 5.The
'Association reserves the right, if it proves necessary, amendments to this Regulation. In this case they will be promptly communication to those concerned.
"Kriterion" WINNERS
SECTION unpublished poems
Edition 2003: Joseph Vetromile
Edition 2004: Domenico Luiso
Edition 2005: Stephen Santosuosso
Edition 2006: Benito Galilee.
Edition 2007: Nicola Pagliuca.
Edition 2008: Gennaro Grieco.
Edition 2009: Umberto Vicaretti.
narrative section INEDITA
Edition 2003: John Caruso
Edition 2004: Elizabeth Liguori
Edition 2005: not awarded
Edition 2006: Ex Aequo Paul Pergolari -
Fabio Casadei Turroni
Edition 2007: Pascal Abatiello
Edition 2008: not awarded.
Edition 2009: Arturo Bernava
2005 Edition: Matthew B. Bianchi (Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore)
Edition 2006: Lucrezia Lerro (Pequod Editions)
Edition 2007: Carlo D'Amicis (Minimum Fax)
Edition 2008: Ivan Cotroneo (Bompiani)
Edition 2009: Eraldo Affinati (Mondadori)
Italian Association of People Down
Section Avellino
Rione Mazzini - 83100 Avellino
Tel 0825/73315 - 622708
the postal n.10282838
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Biffy Clyro Piano Chords

In Lello Agretti c’è sempre stata questa progressione, fusa armonicamente nella sua personalità. La sua ricerca è emblematica, basti pensare ai titoli dei suoi testi poetici: per esempio “ Da Oriente a Occidente ”, che è stato il suo primo libro; e poi quest’ultimo: “ Cammino per cammino ”. Dunque, mai come in Agretti is true just before the bold assertion: one can not ignore the man and the poetry, on the other hand, you can not even otherwise, because it is the Agretti-poet, the philosopher-Agretti, the 'Agretti-researcher, who goes on, goes to, not taking up its own poetry, as a tool or means to say and to tell others, but being himself manifesto and poetic and philosophical message, in full communion and become indistinguishable from the man of the land itself and the poet himself from the matter determined in the transient and asymptotic of the elusive truth there, but coming towards the latter ...
lavoro di Lello Agretti , “ Cammino per cammino ”, ed addentrandoci maggiormente nella realtà poetica che il nostro ha elaborato in questo recente ed elegante volumetto, possiamo affermare che la prerogativa principale del suo dettato resta il lavoro quasi certosino sulla parola e sull’intenzione, sul messaggio ad essa affidata, fin quasi a volere con essa raggiungere e forse oltrepassare il limite fisico e materiale dell’uomo, in una visione senza dubbio escatologica che pone nella parola poetica stessa, la speranza ed il respiro, anzi il sospiro, liberatorio e gratificante: il raggiungimento della verità. E’ un percorso duro, sofferto, “cammino per cammino”: “ What I reach unnamed / non Sconcerti: / opens the path / road to walk / always / always to . "
Lello Agretti loves the essential, and in all his literary activity has always been reluctant a certain redundancy or redundancy exercise poetic disclosed, so there are many published books. It 's more important to him, and he's right, or at least strive to reach the fullness of poetic meanings and intentions, as it may be extremely difficult and laborious, starting from the little available but pouring it all in his literary consciousness, all his "inspiration": "I approdare dove voglio / posso volendo cambiare scarpe / farmi orma diversa diverso sentire. / Posso perché posso / volare in altro corpo / divenire voce e / in ogni voce / essere ”.
E’ poesia di riflessione, quella di Lello Agretti , di intima domanda sul perchè delle cose, ma soprattutto sul dove: in questo marasma sconfinato di materia e accaparramento di potere che è divenuto il pianeta, nessun punto di riferimento preciso può dare tranquillità e serenità, pienezza e speranza, e questo continuo ricercare la verità, questo indispensabile interrogarsi sul proprio divenire, è reso quanto mai evidente nei versi dell’ Agretti , come in “Odissea”: "Fixed north-sails of Ithaca tree / pass tonight / over water and rotting death. / Advance / with my breast albatross / wave by wave force takes I will become that / I would go / I will be spreading beauty / company worthy of your loneliness / will be tonight / odyssey. "
So there is a point, but a beach, a beach, a house to start with. From East to West. Way to walk. An incessant movement that began in when / where unknown and continuing indefinitely, robbing the feeling and the word down to its essence, to show the truth secret, the hidden hope: "If a dear habit / succumbs to the fate / not just the street / dies a whole country. / But if you ruin around / if you have already tomorrow / change my geography / well remains in the eye / secret hat / This going fugitive / vertigo to reach the Evening the science of the soul. "
Lello is Agretti So true poet, and never as in this recent collection demonstrates his mastery of the poetic word safe and deep, his skill in building and structures to have a great capacity to stir the right emotions and images in the heart of the reader. The collection is also enriched with an amazing integration of drawings by Andrea Sparaco Reported in the second part, and so do not alternate with the poems, a choice that suggests intelligence is not merely a division between the two art forms, poetry and drawing, but rather a complementary important, respecting autonomy, however, that provides a harmonious and balanced "collaboration" between the two artistic events.
" Way to walk," Lello Agretti poems, drawings by Andrea Sparaco . The arcael'arco Editions, Nola, 2010 .
Joseph Vetromile
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Nadia Coote Home And Away
gladly publish, on the occasion of Christmas, this beautiful poem of the poet Carmen De Mola, Polignano a Mare, province of Bari Carmen De Mola is a professor of humanities, but especially a poet very valuable, sensitive to social issues, and winner of numerous literary competitions. His intense lyrics on this Christmas, " The casket of quinine " proves once again that the poetry of Carmen De Mola , well structured, with a language learned and harmonious at the same time, manages to highlight the conflict between stereotypes, prejudices, squalor, misery, and a more humane and just, which may indicate, for example especially to our children: " Mio figlio non ha più parole. Prende il piccolo Gesù, / gli fa una culla fra le mani e piano se lo porta al petto ".
La cassettina di chinino
Lo scopro nella cassetta di metallo del chinino
di mio nonno, malato di malaria, in Albania.
Le mani smozzicate dai tarli e la testina bruna,
galleggiano su uno straccetto di velluto rosso.
E’ il Bambinello che la mamma - da bambina -
portava in processione nella casa cantando
“Tu scendi dalle stelle”.
Quattro sorelle e tanta fame per un Natale di guerra
da festeggiare a persiane chiuse e un orecchio teso
alla sirena per scendere nell’inferno dei senza tetto e senza festa.
Le galline sul terrazzo, un pugno di zucchero e farina
della borsa nera: una torta rabberciata sul braciere.
Maria che sogna un cappotto rosso, che non sia di stoffa rivoltata;
Nenetta delle calze, Gina una maglia che non pruda troppo,
Memena un po’ di carne al sugo - visto che è Natale -.
Mio figlio osserva il Bambinello, gli parlo del bisnonno.
Ripenso a nonna Antonia, alla sua casa restaurata,
ai tufi ripuliti, alle chianche che oggi costano una cifra.
Rabbrividisco al vento che spira fra questi punti cardinali:
potere e poi ricchezza, bellezza e
salute ad ogni costo, per giorni tronfi di certezze
che negano a Dio cittadinanza.
Eppure in questa casa rifulge la fede di mia nonna;
o forse è un miracolo di lei tornata viva,
l’improvvisa apparizione del piccolo Gesù,
sopravvissuto ai tanti naufragi di famiglia .
E mi sembra per un attimo s’incarni la Speranza
fra le mani paffute di mio figlio.
Ma lui - senza giri di parole -mi dice
che “è ormai vecchio il Bambinello, anzi da sostituire”-
Gli rispondo che mi piace invece tanto,
con gli occhi a mandorla di vernice nera:
somiglia a Luca, due volte partorito da sua madre
che non lo volle abortire, anche se – le dissero - sarebbe stato down.
E - a guardarlo attentamente - questo Bambinello
ricorda lo zingaro che lava i parabrezza:
e indossa persino panni sporchi e stinti,
come i mille disperati sui gommoni a Lampedusa.
Mio figlio non ha più parole. Prende il piccolo Gesù,
gli fa una culla fra le mani e piano se lo porta al petto.
Carmen De Mola
Monday, December 20, 2010
Free Wedding Vote Of Thanks Sample
Maxi borse, gadget elettronici e perfino il portafoglio sono fattori di rischio per la salute della colonna
di Alice Vigna
dal Corriere del 13/12/10
Finora si era sempre pensato che fosse roba da donne fashion victim : tacchi alti, ballerine rasoterra, shopping bag ricolme di oggetti di ogni genere e poi, alla sera, ecco il consueto mal di schiena. Invece, pure gli uomini (non pochi) mettono a rischio la salute della schiena perché "schiacciati" dal peso della moda e dei tanti gadget elettronici che non rinunciano a portarsi dietro per essere sempre "connessi".
sedentary lifestyle and posture - The warning comes from the last congress of Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology , during which it was provided estimates of the number of Italian men who for their back pain must thank netbook and iPad , inadequate shoes or wallets crammed : two million men struggling with a back pain caused by the habit of always being fashionable or the need to stay connected . But the wrong accessories are just the straw that breaks the camel's back, as explained by the co-chairman of the Congress SIOT Vincent Money, "the wrong shoes or excessive weight are critical if associated with physical inactivity and poor posture that alter the physiological curvature of the spine, overloading and wearing out the discs. Discs dehydrate and collapse, causing back pain. But that is reversible back to correct posture and increase physical activity, perhaps through a global posture rehabilitation, you can resolve the back pain. A covenant to act in a timely manner, just appears. "
SHOES AND PORTFOLIO - We start from the shoes often do not have forms or comfortable anatomical footbeds. Result, foot for most of the time "Need" to support incorrect and is affected throughout the skeletal system, including back . Five hundred thousand Italians, according SIOT suffer from back pain because they are forced to "twist" in the column to compensate for the bad posture due to shoes. And there is also the problem of portfolio: some time ago, in England, the orthopedic have coined the term "syndrome back pocket" just to define back pain that comes from keeping their pants bulky wallets. If you take off when you sit down, especially if you're a long sitting in the office or car, portfolio can compress the sciatic nerve causing back pain and lack of sensation in the legs.
BAGS AND PC - In most cases, however, back problems stem from men's bags and shoulder bags are too heavy: Many models are heavy in themselves, then they are loaded with laptops, notebooks, smartphones, netbooks or iPad. A next-generation mobile phone weighs in at 250 grams, the lightest netbook does not weigh less than 700 grams, and so the iPad, notebooks, ranging from 2.3 pounds up, then there are the power supplies, an average of 200 grams each . "The result, they can easily get beyond the five pounds that then rests on the shoulders, maybe for most of the day if you travel often, good for the back: bags to carry over the shoulder to avoid the risk, should never weigh over i due chili - spiega Paolo Palombi, co-presidente del congresso SIOT -. Anche le borse per i portatili sono molto pesanti, dovrebbero essere tenute a tracolla e non con una sola mano per non sbilanciare la colonna vertebrale e portate per il minor tempo possibile . E attenzione alla postura quando si naviga online con i piccoli netbook o con l'iPad : la loro maneggevolezza fa sì che molti li utilizzino nelle posizioni più svariate, stando sdraiati, semi-coricati sul divano o altro: per non facilitare la comparsa di lombalgia sarebbe invece opportuno usarli da seduti, mantenendo sempre la schiena dritta e le spalle rilassate».
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How Many Calories In Lunch Meat

wrote art historians and critics of renown: Giulio Argan admired the finesse and the preciousness of his art. Filiberto Menna emphasized the undoubted maturity and caused a very special contribution in the context of a return of the painting . Franco Solmi highlighted the reasons for desiring his , ambiguous modern .
Friday, December 17, 2010
Velcro Hair Rollers Blog
Questo weekend, si tiene la "Marathon" of media Telethon, which is pursuing the search for cures for muscular dystrophy and other genetic diseases . On site Telethon find events taking place in many cities and how to donate something for research.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Starbucks Rice Krispie Treat Recipe
Dr. Jack Atzmon, DC, probably tired of having to treat some diseases caused by the use of computers and in particular by mouse and keyboard (carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, elbow pain ...), has developed a tastiera ergonomica e soprattutto un mouse quasi rivoluzionario.
Non è la prima volta che qualcuno inventa degli accessori da PC ergonomici, ma spesso i risultati sono stati limitati.
Il dr. Atzmon ha avuto l'idea di piazzare un mouse tradizionale su un supporto posto nel suo centro e lasciato libero di basculare sui tre assi. Sembra che in questo modo i problemi siano risolti!
La tastiera e il mouse sono disponibili sul sito della Smartfish , l'azienda informatica creata dallo stesso Atzmon.
Ecco un'idea per un regalo di Natale!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Ocean City Maryland Houses For Senior Week
More information can be found on the site dell'AIL , compresa la lista delle piazze dove comprare laclassica pianta natalizia.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Purtroppo ci arriva con un giorno di ritardo la notizia, ma ieri tutti i Capricorni (come segno zodiacale) avebbero dovuto andare dal chiropratico. Infatti l'oroscopo di dice:
CapricornoOrmai, secondo gli astri, il giorno giusto sembra passato, ma potete andarci lo stesso nei prossimi giorni. E non è necessary to be of Capricorn! :)
Salute . Favorite le terapie come lo shiatsu, la fisioterapia, la chiropratica, per risolvere i malanni tipici del segno: artrosi e reumatismi.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Perimenopause Frequent Periods
I found a fuller description HERE , which you should read before watching the program fi.
leave a comment to tell us what you think!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Columbus Ohio Hemochromatosis Treatment

Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Feeling Wetaround Period
From multinationals to medicines coming into the house
Brecciaroli and Marcello Federico Schiavi
from del 28/11/10
Cosa sappiamo veramente delle medicine che prendiamo? Nulla o quasi , ma riponiamo la nostra fiducia nelle mani dei medici che ce le prescrivono, convinti che loro sappiano tutto, come se quel camice bianco fosse una sorta di garanzia inequivocabile. Ma è davvero cosi? Abbiamo indagato per Current TV sul business miliardario che gira attorno ai farmaci e sugli interessi delle case farmaceutiche che, troppo spesso, prendono il sopravvento sulla salute delle persone. Abbiamo analizzato le strategie di marketing usate dalle multinazionali del farmaco e conosciuto le pressioni che vengono esercitate sui medici affinché prescribe certain medicines. The result is the investigation Vanguard entitled the pharmaceutical business: a survey that intends to place particular attention to what our doctors are truly informed about the quality of the medications we take and advise on what are the people who speculate on our health for profit's sake.
The Disease mongering is the example par excellence is a term that means "to sell diseases," and is the most extreme practices of pharmaceutical marketing. You can not advertise it prescription medicines, and then the final frontier of marketing is advertising to diseases, sometimes inventing them. The most striking example is the H1N1 influenza in 2009, swine flu, which creates a simple alarmism and panic throughout the world . It is a very common practice that we have tried to analyze. The other aspect that has emerged from the investigation are fraud against the NHS , too often the focus of news reports because of doctors who, in cahoots with medical representatives and pharmacists, committed the offense more widespread: the comparaggio. A real tangent pharmaceutical pay informants ai medici per far sì che prescrivano quantità notevoli dei medicinali da loro pubblicizzati. Il Sistema sanitario nazionale è l'apparato statale che richiede più soldi in assoluto: decine di miliardi di euro all'anno e controlli non sempre efficaci creano un ambiente ideale per le truffe. Per capire come si convince un medico a prescrivere un farmaco invece che un altro (magari uguale ma di una marca diversa ) siamo andati a parlare con chi si occupa proprio di marketing per conto delle case farmaceutiche: manager e informatori scientifici del farmaco hanno accettato di svelarci attraverso testimonianze anonime i trucchi del loro mestiere e le collusioni spesso illecite che si creano tra i nostri dottori e i produttori di farmaci. Ne è revealed a bleak picture. Often, even the doctors know all the side effects of medication prescribing, simply because the emissaries of the pharmaceutical companies fail to disclose it to sell more .
the pharmaceutical business is an inquiry into the vested interests that bring a pill factory in the palm of our hand . A path made of dynamics that often have little or nothing of scientific and where our health is a goal marginal. We investigated the effects of the marketing policies of pharmaceutical companies on public spending and found that too many people fail to take advantage of every day. In this tangled world, however, sometimes a case of excellence comes to sweeten the pill is the case of the San Camillo hospital in Rome where, thanks to new technologies and the use of drugs not covered by a patent, you can protect both state coffers that the health of patients.
From the presentation of the program at Current TV:
From marketing, queen only rule in the distribution of drugs, to agreements between governments and multinational companies for "management" of disease, from the confessions of anonymous informants pharmaceuticals, the strange role key practitioners: what lies behind a drug and what is really required? Starting from 1 December at 21:10
Now you know what to watch next Wednesday! Current TV, which is the channel of the former U.S. vice-president and Nobel Peace Prize 2007 Al Gore, the found on channel 130 of SKY .
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Colonial Life Insurance Company Pregnancy
(...), John Terry returned to Milan after consultation with the chiropractor Belgian Jean-Pierre Meersseman , could return available in a few days and not a few months, as we feared during the week. Man MilanLab would, in fact, diagnosed the captain a simple pulled muscle and not a problem with the sciatic nerve. From here, a little 'rest and JT is as good as before, so we are talking about its possible use in the Champions League on Tuesday.
by of 23/11/10:
'loads increase in the weight room strength, but harden the athlete. Most challenging problems in the co-contraction - Alfio said Caronti chiropractor and lecturer at the Faculty of Sports Science at the University of Tor Vergata -. In practice, increases the resistance of muscles agonists and antagonists.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
High Calorie Protein Shake
Brussels document to the Ministry of Health denies the exemption limits for drinking water. It imposes order to prohibit its use in food. Lazio region worst affected
Alessandro Fullon
from of 22/11/10
ordinances are required by Brussels, which could prohibit the use of drinking water. This notice was sent Oct. 28 by the Ministry of Health Environment of the EU opened a heavy public health problem in 128 municipalities of the boot split between five regions.
CITIES 'IN EMERGENCY - At the top is Lazio, with 91 towns and villages (spread between the provinces of Rome, Latina and Viterbo), where the mayors, less than miraculous last-minute solutions , may be forced to sign a measure to ban drinking water.
list - published by - \u200b\u200bSeguela Tuscany, with 16 locations, 10 more are in Trentino, Lombardy and 8 in 3 in Umbria. All have the same problem: water systems there is a high concentration of arsenic, sometimes with a maximum of 50 micrograms per liter while the law allows a maximum of 10. Quantities that would be out of the norm - Italy said in a dossier sent to the EU - for reasons 'natural' in some way originate from geological layers of lava, as in the case of the Castelli Romani and Viterbo.
THE EU: POSSIBLE CANCER RISK - Justification, however, unheard by the European Union - allowing the application only for the less worrisome Borio and fluoride - no longer wants, in drinking water, those numbers above 10 micrograms of arsenic per liter. The reason is that "values \u200b\u200bof 30, 40 and 50 micrograms 'may determine' health risks, particularly certain forms of cancer." That's why the exceptions only for limited periods, can be obtained up to concentrations of 20 micrograms per liter.
IN TROUBLE '250 thousand families - In February, Italy - which has implemented the EU directives on drinking water in a law in force since 2001 - has prompted to temporarily raise the limits, of course, 50. But the EU has rejected the demand by blowing up a problem that, according to the official document sent to the Ministry of Health, concerns the taps of about 250 thousand families.
to be involved are large countries and capitals of a few dozen souls to stay at Lazio, the "interested users" in Latin is 115,490, with the Aprilia 66,624, 62,441 to Viterbo and then again at 10 000 and 18 000 in Sabaudia Albano. Tuscany holiday destinations in the waters at risk as Piombino, Cecina, Portoferraio and Porto Azzurro, but also Foiano della Chiana, Montevarchi, Campo Elba, Rio Marina, San Vincenzo. Problems also in Orvieto in Umbria, and in Solda di Fuori, Alto Adige, are "only" 25 residents who may find themselves without water.
ANCHE IN LOMBARDIA E TRENTINO - Acque non salubri vengono identificate nella tabella del documento Ue nelle province di Mantova (Marcaria, Roncoferraro, Viadana), Sondrio (Valdidentro e Valfurva) e Varese (Maccagno, Sesto Calende, Dumenza). Il comune di Cava Manara, in passato con problemi, ora ha acque «perfettamente potabili» grazie all’apertura di nuovi pozzi. In Trentino, risultano non a norma le acque di Laste/Cantanghel, Canal San Bovo, Fierrozzo, Frassilongo.
Quanto alla Campania, 14 comuni - non gravati dall'allarme arsenico - hanno ottenuto la deroga per ciò che riguarda il floruro: si tratta di Boscotrecase, Cercola, Ercolano, Ottaviano, Pollena Trocchia, Portici, S. Anastasia, San Giorgio a Cremano, S. Giuseppe Vesuviano, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, Somma Vesuvius, Terzigno, Tower of the Greek, Volla.
"Filters" water systems - in essence: you have to be given the maximum information to users about the new rules. Then the responsibility will pass to the mayors who will evaluate whether to sign the orders for the ban. Meanwhile Acea, Regional Commissioner and the drinking water system are kind of "filters" to reduce the presence of 'Arsenic and mix water from the aqueducts such as the Simbruini - free of arsenic - with those collected from the wells, the main accused values \u200b\u200boutside the norm.
LA DOMESTIC CLEANER SOLUTION - "Measures to study for some time - is the assurance came after the meeting - but that must now be accelerated because of EU legislation that nobody expected so immediate." In this situation there are those who whooping they arrange themselves, so that near Frascati, south of Rome, a group of citizens has seen fit to buy a water filter for arsenic.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bleach Discoloured My Clother
E via, come al solito mi sono perso per affari miei e non ho mai aggiornato il blog. Oh beh. Chissenefrega.
Dunque, breve recap di che mi e’ successo in sti mesi.
Ciao udine, benvenuta (BENVENUTA?) venezia. Eh gia’, ho cambiato universita’. Ho abbandonato informatica, e sono andato a fare qualcosa di molto, molto simile. Lingue e Culture dell’asia Orientale, Giapponese.
Ancora oggi non so perche’ ho scelto sta lingua. Pero’ mi piaceva, aveva una bella fonetica, e si presta molto bene al parlato femminile. Seiyuu Go, go! > _ \u0026lt;"
Fantasy Football, I started the league with friends from my brother ( ) started already 'a curse, are the first to magic points are made but in 9 of 12 standings. All against me. Holy Christ. All kick drum and its argument. But fuck that I paid too much.
Chapter manga: I would have to review, I would like also to review anime, just do not have time to actually do it. Probably the next post will be 'one of these two types.
Basketball: The old lions are left with a pretty good road map, 3 wins and 1 loss. Very impressive, compared previous years. We continue this way 'boys.
readings. Ah, yes', there 's also a novelty', I started reading the books (Sacrilege). As with the entire series of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And the first of the Discworld novels. I review 'as well, sooner or later.
Portal 2: less than 3 months. 10/02/2011. You do not know pride, you do not know fear, you do not know anything. You'll be perfect.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Petite Denim Leggings
Here is the summary of this 18 th issue:
- Week of chiropractic.
tension headache - Headache. Myths and Realities
- Whiplash and Chiropractic
- Sore neck and back pain: how to prevent
- ViaFrancigena and "backache"
- When curiosity becomes an opportunity?
- "Pilot" of handbike: I tell (part two)
- Gorges du Verdon
- Chiropractic during pregnancy? Absolutely!
- From the "Alps to the Andes
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ovarian Cancer Team Names
E 'opportunity to learn how to prevent and treat tension headache without drugs: it only uses chiropractic manipulation techniques can restore and maintain proper spinal function (essential condition of well-being) that can inter' be more affected by poor posture, physical and emotional trauma, dental malocclusion, or by excessive stress. Sono proprio queste le principali cause della cefalea tensiva che irrigidiscono le articolazioni delle vertebre cervicali, provocando una contrazione muscolare continua a livello di collo e spalle che, a lungo andare, comporta una sintomatologia dolorosa nella zona della nuca ma anche delle tempie e intorno agli occhi.
"Circa il 12 per cento dei pazienti si rivolge al chiropratico proprio in seguito a questi disturbi", spiega John Williams, presidente dell'Associazione Italiana Chiropratici (AIC), "ottenendo buoni risultati sia nella riduzione dei sintomi dolorosi, sia nella prevenzione. Un controllo chiropratico periodico permette infatti di individuare e correggere tempestivamente eventuali alterazioni vertebrali prima che cronicizzandosi rendano più lunga la loro guarigione. Il chiropratico è inoltre in grado di dare indicazioni per mantenere una postura corretta, consigliare esercizi fisici mirati ed eventualmente indirizzare ad altri specialisti (dentisti, psicologi...) per terapie specifiche ". E' importante precisare che le tecniche chiropratiche sono indolori e di diverso tipo: si va per esempio dallo sfioramento della zona dolente alla pressione esercitata manualmente in particolari zone del corpo.
Va inoltre sottolineato che l'iniziativa dell'Associazione Italiana Chiropratici è anche un'opportunità per conoscere tutti gli altri benefici della chiropratica (prevenzione e cura del mal di schiena anche in gravidanza e dopo il parto, ernie del disco, bulging disc, but you will get results even in case of dizziness, fatigue, anxiety as it is possible to alleviate, if not resolve, the disturbance caused by arthritis and slow down the degenerative process in the spine and associated structures ) and understand its usefulness for maintaining good health. The task of this discipline, now recognized in Italy since 2008 as a health profession is indeed detect and remove without the use of drugs causes of vertebral subluxations dysfunctions or better biomechanical abnormalities of the spine that squeezing and irritating the spinal nerves protected the intervertebral discs may interfere with the proper transmission of impulses to the nervous system and compromise the welfare of the organism.
careful, though, to be sure to get in good hands is essential to consult a doctor of chiropractic who has earned the title after five years of study at a college recognized by the World Federation of Chiropractic ( World Federation of Chiropractic ) for which the party ' World Health Organization. Waiting for a register of doctors of chiropractic can get information about contacting the secretariat of the Italian Chiropractors tel. 010-5533036 - 800017806 or on this site.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Elderly Abuse Statistics 2009

Sunday, August 29, 2010
How Long Does It Take For An Allergy To Show
Bari-Juventus 1-0.
uhm ....
uhm ... ... ... ....
Bari - Juventus 1-0
Per quanto continuo a fissare questo risultato, non cambiera’. Ma cristo iddio, 69 milioni spesi per il cazzo. abbiamo rifatto il centrocampo, e in attacco? abbiam lasciato partire tutti! DEFICIENTI!
Sarebbe bastato un Trezeguet qualunque.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Hair Louse Leads To Dandruff
Una cosa che davvero detesto, e’ il gelato reclamizzato al gusto x, ma che una volta assaggiato, ha una varieta’ di gusti indescrivibilmente distante dal piu’ lontano dei surrogati di x.
Gelato al pistacchio, mi trovo con un gelato alla nocciola.
Gelato al cocco – E mi trovo con un variegato nutella (!!!)
chiaramente parlo delle vaschette packed, not a homemade ice cream, which is' infinitely better both qualitatively and quantitatively (you'll find in a ice chest a piece of candied fruit size of a walnut? I do.)
And then nothing, I'm sad, she's' gone David Trezeguet from Juventus after 10 years and 171 goals. I think the only time I will be 'more' will be sad 'when Alex hang' his boots.
Uuuh, I'm good ice cream. * Takes another spoonful *
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sauna Help Interstitial Cystitis
Free Printable Friendship Poems
Keyla, tell us about yourself: you have a project to be implemented? In what would emerge?
"I would like chiropractic! Unfortunately I do not have the time to dedicate myself to this passion.
Obviously, as long as I can, I will carry the speech come modella».
Dopo Manu Chao , ecco un'altra dottoressa mancata!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Can Red Wine Cause Heart Palpitations
cake and the 'world champion. blatter shit, as usual, says cows.
The next game risiko lighthouse that 'user' octopus paul instead of rolling the dice.
participate in the first ppv of VVE and 'was something incredibly exhilarating. I hope to be aired soon.
and 'in July, there are soccer tournaments soap. One reached the play-offs for the quarter, next let's go 'on, eh. Dai.
The Big Bang Theory e’ la classica serie che mi caverei gli occhi per non aver iniziato a guardarla prima.
Voglio vestirmi anche io a halloween da effetto doppler.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Honeymoon Cystitis Info In Spanish
sono sparito per un altro mese e mezzo dal blog. ma che strano. Oh beh, non e’ cambiato nulla. se non che ho ancora meno stima di lippi, di cannavaro e della fifa in generale.
Niente di nuovo sul fronte manga/games, sto finendo di leggere dei manga che prima o poi recensiro’.
Per il resto, portal 2 promette di essere il gioco del secolo, da come si sta evolvendo il tutto. peccato che arrivi solo nel 2011.
…I think we can put our differences behind us. For Science. YOU MONSTER.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wanna Be The Next Big Thing The Apprentice

mercoledì 16 giugno ore 20,30 presso Antico Spedale del Bigallo - Bagno a Ripoli
Un percorso itinerante che si snoda attraverso stanze, attraverso porte. Diverse, oscure, strane. Le stanze sono non soltanto quelle di uno splendido edificio medievale (l’ Antico Spedale del Bigallo ), suitable to host an evening and a Gothic noir po'ironicamente like the one here tonight, but they are the secret rooms of the imagination, the dream (or nightmare) of each, the children we once were, afraid of the dark yet fatally attracted by the opportunity to populate the disturbing presence of man Black Fear of fear and desire to be afraid. The mysterious dark rooms hidden contradictions. Sediments obscure the human soul: madness, desire for supernatural fascination of the unknown and ambiguous. Rooms that then always lead to the same front door closed, is a maze - no doubt - ci si perde nel cercare l’uscita, ma tanto si torna sempre lì - si può star certi - davanti alla stessa porta chiusa, a fronteggiare la stessa pulsione, il mistero della morte, la stessa per tutti. Morte intesa come fine, concreta e fisica - certo - ma spesso anche metaforica, il preludio a una trasformazione, a un passaggio (come del resto lo è ogni porta). Morte propria o di altri, desiderata, augurata o temuta, inflitta o esorcizzata, parodiata o (…per chi lo crede) transitoria. Ogni scrittore alle prese con il genere noir celebra così il proprio “mistero gotico”: le storie di tombe, fantasmi e assassini che presentiamo, pur nella loro diversità, sono chiavi diverse per cercare to open that one door. They change the flavors, the atmosphere, change the look on that threshold. Some people are obsessed with death, who is fascinated by those who ride, those who smiled, who derides the ... Each story reveals a different face of ' be death, black of this literature is not devoid of color shades and sometimes unexpected. We, therefore, to lock yourself in this chaotic, fragmented and bizarre "house of horrors" to see what happens, aware - and this is the big game of the theater - from every nightmare you can always wake up .... Or not?
Texts in order of performance:
Howard Phillips Lovecraft , dear departed I (1923)
Edgar Allan Poe , The premature burial (1844) Edith Wharton
, Miss Mary Pask (1925) Edgar Allan Poe
, The Tell-Tale Heart (1845)
Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Governor Pyncheon, adapted from The House of Seven Gables (1851 )
Henry James, The third person, based on stories ghosts (1900)
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann , "Vampire", adapted from stories (1821)
Howard Phillips Lovecraft , Pickman's model (1926)
'Killer Women' [women from acts of criminal trials really existed: the stories of Mary Blandy (XVIII sec.) Edith Thompson (XX sec.) Louise Peete (XX sec.), Madeleine Smith and Emile The Angelieri (XIX sec. )]
Jerome Jerome Klapka , Johnson and Emily faithful or the ghost, taken from Ghost stories for after dinner (1891)
Suggestioni musicali: Apparat, J. S. Bach, Bauhaus, A. Corelli, Dead Can Dance, P. Dekas, Einsturzende Neubaten, Era, Goblin, C. Gounod, P. J. Harvey, V. Mae, M. P. Mussorgsky, Nick Cave, Nightwish, C. Saint-Saens, Sisters of Mercy, Tangerine Dream, Virgin Prunes, A. Vivaldi, etc.
Citazioni pittoriche e visive: A. Angarola, C. Ashton, F. Bacon, O. Dix, J. H. Füssli, G. Gasparro, G. Goya, T. Lautrec, N. Manuel, E. Munch, Cattedrale di Notre-Dame, S. Sime, etc.
Luci e fonica: GB Audio Service di Francesco Bianchi
Drammaturgia e coordinamento a cura degli insegnanti Simone Rovida e Valentina Berti
Catering by " Tommasina " (Bar, Food, Restaurant), via Tizzano 191 / L, Bagno a Ripoli (FI), , info @
Wine -produced by Azienda Agricola Podere Puget Gianni Flies, http://www.poderepoggetto.itSetting up and decorating buffet by Group Mimesis