Monday, January 31, 2011
Colleagues Signing Cards With Love
Dr. Lorenzo Boldrini motorcyclist and Sports Physician at the Rehabilitation Centre for Sport Isokinetic , explains the importance of chiropractic treatment in posture or specific treatments
Dear Bikers, today we are dealing with a discipline very useful in solving problems of the spine and posture, as in the case of low back pain we have discussed in previous articles. Speaks of chiropractic and to do this we will use the aid of a doctor, Arianna Dordoni , working with the Centers for Rehabilitation Isokinetic Medical Group. I state that chiropractic is recognized by the National Health Service as set out primary health care since 2007. In order to work must follow the Doctor of Chiropractic uno specifico iter di studio di cinque o sette anni, riconosciuto dalla Federazione Mondiale di Chiropratica il cui interlocutore è l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, solo così si può entrare a far parte della Associazione Italiana Chiropratici (AIC). Essendo una professione da poco riconosciuta anche in Italia, per i pazienti è una garanzia che il loro chiropratico sia un membro dell’AIC.
Continua su con un'intervista alla Dott.ssa Dordoni .
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tiffany Granath Brad Norton
Was held Friday, January 28 at the Literary Cafe Liberty , the Gallery Umberto Principe di Napoli, an interesting meeting origanizzato from ' Association Italy-Portugal, children about some of the most representative voices of poetry Lusitanian, over a period of time from late 800 until today.
Four poets, different in style and content, and little known in Italy, were then submitted to an attentive and concerned, so many good speakers, and experienced teachers of Portuguese literature.
The proposal was first poet Florbela Espanca She was born in Vila Viçosa, Alentejo, in 1894 and died in 1930 in Matosinhos. Absolute importance of the personality of his era, is considered an 'island', and the intense sensuality of his poetry, both in the sense of transfiguration of reality. He has published several books and other publications, including the tales "Domino Negro" are Portum. The poet Regina Célia Pereira da Silva, having introduced and briefly outlined the figure of Florbela Espanca , read some of his poems in Portuguese, then re-proposed in Italian by Marco de Iaia .
E 'was then given the poet Sophia de Breyner Andresen Mello, born in Oporto in 1919 and died in 2004. E 'considered the greatest contemporary Portuguese poet. Publishing many books and two prose texts, writes an essay on the antiquity classical and half a dozen translations of foreign poets, including Dante and Shakespeare. He speaks widely Iaia de Marco. Third
poet proposal Ana Hatherly, born in 1929 in Oporto, where he still lives and works. University lecturer, essayist, eclectic artist also devoted to the plastic arts. It occupies a prominent place in the landscape of experimental poetry. There is, in his writing, a joy and makes it's extremely inventive existential his original creations. The publication of poetry began in 1958, most recently in 2007. It depicts the life and works, reading some of his texts, Maria Luisa Cusati .
Finally, the proposed Carlota de Barros poet, born on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde. In 1974, the year of Carnation Revolution, after much travel, he returned to Lisbon graduating. He made his debut in poetry in 2001. His most recent book is 2007. He speaks widely, reading excerpts of his works, Maria da Graça Gomes de Pina .
G. Vetromile
Monday, January 24, 2011
Polyps In The Nose After Brian Tumour
XLIV National Poetry Prize in Italian "Peter Borgognoni"
2. The photographs may be published or unpublished but never won other contests. Each entrant may submit up to a maximum of three poems on any subject, each no more than 40 lines.
3. Poetry first place will receive the sum of € 800 with the silver medal of the President of the Republic. At the second € 500, the third € 400, € 300 in the fourth and fifth € 200. Will also reported five poems by many authors and five others there will be an honorable mention.
4. They can not compete for the top prize winners in the last ten editions of the same. The winners and reported the five most recent editions may participate but do not achieve a result equal to or less than the previous one. A winner will be notified and offered lunch (the day of ceremony) and overnight (the day before), extendable to another person, and prizes handed representation and works of painters Pistoia. Holders of honorable mention will be a commemorative medal.
5. The poems competing in six legible copies and distributed in many cases, must be received by the date at the address given. The material sent after this date will be invalidated. The name and address of the sender's full postal code and telephone number must be indicated at the bottom of one copy. In the same package must be received by way of fee, the sum of € 15 in cash, by check "Payable to me", check or money order (in the latter case you should attach a photocopy of the payment).
6. The outcome of the event will be available on the websites / awards and addition to those directly affected will be communicated to those who will esplicita richiesta alla conclusione dei lavori.
7. La premiazione avrà luogo nella Sala Maggiore del Palazzo comunale di Pistoia domenica 12 giugno 2011 alle ore 11.00. I presenti potranno ritirare gratuitamente il volumetto contenente le poesie premiate e segnalate, i giudizi di merito e i nominativi dei membri della giuria. Questo volumetto sarà inviato, fino ad esaurimento della disponibilità, a coloro che aggiungeranno una libera offerta alla quota di partecipazione.
8. Gli elaborati non verranno in alcun modo restituiti. I premi dovranno essere ritirati dai vincitori o dai loro delegati nel corso della premiazione. Quelli non ritirati resteranno a disposizione della giuria per le future edizioni.
9. La partecipazione al Premio implica ovviamente acceptance of all the clauses of this Regulation.
Vetromile 1, Joseph, Mary Arch. 2 nd Carla Baroni, Ferrara. 3 ° Baldassi Francesco, Rome. 4 ° Daniela Raimondi, London. 5 ° Fulvio Fedele, Alexandria.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Causes Of Excessive Gas For Days
Oh, buonsalve, and happy 2011 to everyone. How? I had already 'posted in 2011? And then? I wished him good year? No. So shut up, do not break the bales, and so that is going to start.
rather no, before an appointment. Panini Comics, starcomics I hate you. You can not make me start by February things like To-LOVE-Ru (good), Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! (But go, but come on, but who you are but who they are!) And Ane Doki (MA GO! BUT COME! BUT WHO ARE YOU! BUT WHO SONOOO!) Without a minimum notice. one can not 'enjoy it. And so. : 3
Today I would like to talk about a particular manga slightly, in the sense that 'a Shojo-Ai. Treat the love of girls, including girls. Spotted yuri, but only that Zinzin that makes it more 'pleasant: Q_
Manga very smooth, quite well designed in relation to the author's previous works, there is an evolutionary process, much of his stroke, and this 'can not that make me happy. Chibi classic, great expressions embarrassed, very good script.
History and 'focusing on two girls, who know each other before and total strangers as they pass the time their relationship will become', as if to say much more 'friendly.
I was a bit 'suspicious about the subject, but given my (positive? Perverse? Sick?) Available read shojo, I found this really nice manga.
The plot and 'linear, pleasant, with the main characters well developed, with all their anxieties, worries, fantasies ...
the final' even if it leaves just a bit 'dry mouth, as if to say, again, I want more. It could go a little ', maybe putting a couple of scenes in piu'.
Pity, would have a vote even more 'high. (And not just for the fact that the protagonist in the end had the hairstyle I like, eh.)
Plot ( ******* ***)
Drawings ( ****** ** **)
Originalita’ ( ******* ***)
Personaggi ( ********* *)
Totale ( ******** **)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Problems With Sound On Matsui Tvs
Article 1 - The Association "Meet us " of St. Anastasia (Napoli), announces the ninth edition of the National Poetry Competition " City of St. Anastasia " , to which all residents can participate in Italy o all’estero, purché l’elaborato sia in lingua italiana.
Le precedenti edizioni del concorso sono state promosse e patrocinate dal Comune di Sant’Anastasia. Il patrocinio è stato richiesto anche per questa nona edizione. L’organizzazione, il coordinamento e la segreteria del concorso sono affidate al Circolo Letterario Anastasiano .
Art. 2 – Sono previste due sezioni:
Sez. A – Elaborati in lingua italiana a tema libero di massimo 50 versi ciascuno.
Sez. B – Elaborati in lingua italiana o vernacolo napoletano, ispirati al tema: “L’ambiente e il territorio vesuviano”, di massimo 50 versi ciascuno.
Article 3 - It 's possible involvement in both sections with a maximum of 2 (two) prepared for each section, to be submitted in 6 copies, of which only one will return at the end: name, date and place of birth , address, telephone number and any e-mail, indicating the desired section, a declaration of authenticity. E 'desirable but not necessary a brief curriculum literary author.
Article 4 - We require a contribution towards costs of the secretariat of Euro 10.00 (ten/00), payable on ccp no. 63401236 made payable to the Association "meeting", with reference: Poetry Competition City of St. Anastasia IX Edizione.
Il versamento del contributo di euro 10 permetterà la partecipazione ad una o ad entrambe le due sezioni previste. Fotocopia del versamento dovrà necessariamente essere allegata agli elaborati.
Art. 5 – Il plico contenente gli elaborati e la ricevuta del versamento dovrà essere spedito al seguente indirizzo: SEGRETERIA DEL CONCORSO NAZIONALE DI POESIA “CITTA’ DI SANT’ANASTASIA”, PRESSO UFFICIO POSTALE DI MADONNA DELL’ARCO, 80048 MADONNA DELL’ARCO (Napoli), entro il 15 aprile 2011. Si prega caldamente di evitare le raccomandate. E’ anche possibile l’invio per posta elettronica all’indirizzo In this case you must attach a photocopy of the payment given or the details. The
will not be returned. The Organization is not responsible for any postal or non-delivery.
Article 6 - There are the following prizes: For the
Sec. A: 1st prize € 600 2nd prize € 350, 3rd prize Euro 250.
For Sec. B: Door to the top two finishers.
Any special awards.
will also be given other awards consisting of copper artefacts of local crafts, books and art publications. Reasons for the winners with diplomas and reported. Certificates of participation the poets present at the awards ceremony. There will be prizes awarded ex-aequo.
will be extrapolated to a ranking party for all participants and young children (up to 23 years), and local participants, that will receive special recognition. These rankings do not preclude the participant or local youth to eventually earn prizes and awards planned for the two sections A and B.
Article 7 - It 's possible plans to print a brochure with the winning poems and motivations. This brochure will be distributed free during the ceremony.
Article 8 - The names of the Commissione esaminatrice, il cui giudizio è insindacabile e inappellabile, verranno resi noti il giorno della premiazione, che si terrà in Sant'Anastasia in giorno e luogo da stabilirsi (entro il mese di maggio 2011). Soltanto i premiati ed i segnalati saranno avvisati. Gli altri partecipanti potranno conoscere i risultati del concorso sui siti: ; , e sugli altri siti letterari, oppure telefonando in Segreteria.
I premi dovranno essere ritirati direttamente dagli interessati. Soltanto in caso di seria e comprovata indisponibilità, è ammessa la delega per iscritto. In caso contrario, i premi non will be delivered or shipped.
Article. 10 of Law 675/96, shall ensure that personal data relating to participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.
For further information, is available to the Secretariat (Tel. 081.5301490 morning, 081.5301386 evenings) e-mail: .
The Secretariat thanks all those who want to spread the news of this poetry competition.
Please do not wait until the last day for submission of entries, in order to facilitate the work of the Secretariat and the Jury.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Should I Feel Sick With Herpes Outbreaks?
Association Meeting Space announces the literary prize "Owl of Minerva " named for Antonio Guerrero, who in his first edition will cover poetry published.
The award was born from the same association to promote the dissemination of culture in the province of Avellino. It was with this purpose, ten years ago, was born the Association for Volunteer Meeting Space, which has among its founders, Antonio Guerrero, prematuratamente died in 2009, and ever ready to strive for the dissemination of "knowledge" for the benefit of sopratturro younger. The aim of the literary competition is to create opportunities for more people to get closer the world of poetry, encouraging the writing and reading of art as widespread as little known.
for the award, in fact, provides, in addition to a panel of experts, the presence of a jury. The jury, composed by Domenico Cipriano (Chairman), Raffaele Barbieri, Cosimo Caputo, Stelvio and Enzo Di Spigno Rega, choose three works from the participants. Subsequently, the jury, consisting of twenty persons of different age groups, will decide the winner after reading the books and know the final authority.
Authors interested in publishing houses or selection (in this case under the license from the author) will forward to the following address:
Secretary's Literary Award "OWL OF MINERVA - ANTONIO GUERRIERO
c / o Area Association Meeting - Via Starze I, 9-83010 Summerhill (AV)
number 6 (six) copies of the publication of poetry later no later than February 28, 2011.
Entry to the competition is completely free and the winner will receive a work of art that are symbols of the competition made especially by John Di Nenna.
The award ceremony will be held on 19/05/2011 at the Community Centre John Paul II Starze of Summerhill (Av).
For more detailed information and to download the invitation
South Park S14 Release
Nel Centro di preparazione atletica del Milan il ciclista varesino rinforza l'apparato muscolare due volte a settimana. Con un obiettivo ben preciso: perorarsi per le Paralimpiadi. E intanto le prossime tappe sono il Mondiale su Pista di Montichiari di metà marzo e il Mondiale in Danimarca di inizio settembre.
da del 20/12/10
PARMA - Inizia dal MilanLab il cammino di Fabrizio Macchi verso la nuova stagione agonistica, ma soprattutto verso l'obiettivo a cinque cerchi di Londra 2012. Il Centro di preparazione atletica del Milan ospita, due volte a settimana, il ciclista varesino che qui rinforza l'apparato muscolare sotto la guida del responsabile della preparazione atletica Daniele Tognaccini e del preparatore Fabio Allevi. La collaborazione con il MilanLab risale allo scorso inverno quando, da alcuni test posturali, visivi e fisici eseguiti nel centro di Milanello, revealed that the muscular torso Macchi was much less developed than the rest of the body: a lack of which has certainly suffered in recent years but the leg and hence the performance in general.
has begun in this way a specific job, intense and made a series of structured exercises, first, to restore consistency in the various muscular apparatus and, second, to develop the power: elements needed to prevent accidents and overload both in competition and in training. The program provides training to MilanLab a special cycle that will end in mid-February, when Macchi will have to prepare for the World Ice Montichiari (Bs) in mid-March, before resume in April in the World Cup in Denmark in early September. Also in the Milan Lab, the athlete shall also be consulting a chiropractor, Alex Trabattoni that, through control of the skeletal and muscular chains, was able to find him more efficient especially on the pedals without pain back.
It also deals with La Gazzetta dello Sport an article and a video:
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Princess Cruises Interview Shops
If the title of a work often summarizes the contents thereof, is in a kind of synthesis or even the emblem, sign, never as in this case the claim is true, going beyond the confines of formal representation, and , oxymoronic playing with words, he wants to prove that it is possible to retro-meaning (or a well-meaning) seems more important than what it means. You play with words, then, in this precious volume of Kolibris Editions of Chiara De Luca : "Four young man / stars", where the number four is for what it is, but put alongside of derogatory "youths" may mean a malicious enlargement to the whole world: " those four youngsters (read: ... that band) have made of cooked and raw! ..." In fact, the four are actually four, and of course are not bad guys or bad guys, but on the contrary, in a lighting oxymoronic, as we said before, or perhaps responding to the rhetorical figure of paronomasia, the four become " young stars." And the sorts of things they have done really, but very positive sense: a real contribution to good Italian Poetry!
It 's interesting and fascinating to see how we can play with words, especially in poetry, a game that makes it possible to speculate on the meanings and representations. So I think the title of the booklet and more appropriate than ever guessed. So this is an anthology of four young stars "nascent, though in truth their literary activity is already quite properly recognized and accepted by much of contemporary criticism. Francesco Iannone, from Salerno, Anna Ruotolo by Maddaloni, Caserta; Vittorio Tovoli , from Bologna, and Federica Volpe from Carate Brianza: these four innovations, the four Voices "... Astre, which burst, affect, manifest in all their poetic energy, their literary experience in this field. They are very young, the first three dell''85, Federica Volpe even in '91. But the age is counted in certain social and physical aspects, it does not matter, or has very little, in poetry, and only just enough to sharpen their skills increasingly expressive, style: style and technique that the "four" already have in abundance and quality! A sign that the unborn child poet, really, but it is important then the refining, research and study. The commitment, above all.
no lack these qualities and commitment in four young anthology. They are of course different voices, each of them differs from the other while remaining united in their great representation of a poem that wants to be the bearer of a new wave of emotions, based on a line and an original poetic dictation easy and unencumbered by the canons and abused expression, both classical and experimental. Iannone, with his collection "of hunger and thirst" brings elements of poetic simplicity in the body with a meticulous search of the true meaning of existence. Anna Ruotolo , after the success of "Second Light" (LietoColle, 2009), continues his "approach" the feeling of love towards things, nature and man, dialoguing with one hand and softly inviting. Vittorio Tovoli impetuous with his poetry and biting, and at the same time caressing, loving and sincere reflection of a world stripped of all the hypocrisy and false stereotypes. And finally, the youngest of four, Federica Volpe, who with his "The throat of the loop", verses of great expressive force, puts the spotlight on being a woman and being in particular, with a kaleidoscope of plots and figures really pleasing.
short, a well-designed book, from the point of view, typographical, handy, pocket-size, should In this poetic journey that leads us to other new, safe, tasting life in its material and spiritual wholeness.
" Four young man / stars," Anthology, edited by Chiara De Luca . Kolibris Edizioni, Bologna, 2010. Foreword by Umberto Fornasari .
Joseph Vetromile
Friday, January 7, 2011
Can I Record A Tv Program On My Vcr
National Competition Narrative
Second Edition, 2011
Deadline March 31, 2011
The competition involves the selection of unpublished writings prose (stories, letters, considerations, tracks diary and any other creative text written in prose).
Periodically some of the best books received will also be included, regardless of what will be the final standings of the competition in the online magazine DEDALUS courses, competitions, literary texts and contexts of flight, . The site DEDALUS are preceded by an explanatory statement, lyrics, prose and critical perspectives of some of the most significant voices of contemporary literary scene. Have been published, among others, Antonella Anedda, Alberto Bertoni, Biagio Cepollaro, Maura Del Serra, Gabriela Fanta, Farabbi Anna Maria, Anna Maria Ferramosca, Mauro Ferrari, Luigi Fontanella, Alessandra Paganardi, Alessandro Polcri, Maria Pia Quintavalla, Massimo Scrignoli, Valeria Serofilli, Antonio Spagnuolo, Paolo Valesio, Viola Amarelli, e molti altri. Per una visione completa degli autori pubblicati, tutti degni di una menzione che per ragioni di spazio non è possibile proporre qui, si consiglia di visionare direttamente il sito .
La Giuria del Concorso è composta da IVANO MUGNAINI (scrittore, direttore della collana di narrativa di puntoacapo Editrice), MAURO FERRARI (poeta, critico, direttore editoriale di puntocapo Editrice), VALERIA SEROFILLI (scrittrice, presidente del Premio Astrolabio), ADRIAN BRAVI (scrittore), ALESSANDRA PAGANARDI (scrittrice, contributor to national literary journals), Robert Hare (writer) and Daniel RAIMONDI (poet and writer), will evaluate all letters received and finally to propose puntoacapo publishing a list of finalists, including three winners.
Work winners will be published by Editrice puntoacapo, . The volume contains their stories will be a lot of room and will have a valid promotion through the Publishing mailing-list and all channels of information deemed useful and effective.
authors who have submitted to the Competition Life in Poetry books considered attractive may be proposed as the critical presentation of the work with which they participated, or others, already published, at the historic Caffè literary dell'Ussero of Pisa, or at the Villa Corliano, San Giuliano Terme (PI) as part of literary events sponsored by the "hussars Culture, appointments which have been inhabited in recent months some of the most significant voices of contemporary poetry and prose.
Beyond the final outcome of the competition, in addition, the Jury may decide to report to puntoacapo publishing a limited number of works considered worthy.
the authors of this work may also be offered placement in the first volume of "DEDALUS: Journal of Contemporary Fiction" real "directory" of Italian fiction.
RULES 'TO ENTER: The authors
interested should send their texts by March 31, 2011. Participants can send one to three stories, letters, diary entries or creative prose, any theme and length between two and ten pages for each text file in Word format via an attachment to an e- mail addressed to: , with the subject of the message: "Life in Prose Contest.
author's personal data (name, address, telephone, mobile and e-mail address ) should be reported only in the message body, not in the file. Must also be accompanied by a statement that: "The lyrics are unusual and creative staff of the Authority authorizing the processing of personal data under Decree number 196/2003 in the competition LIFE IN THE THEATRE".
Please also send a fee to be sent free to an extent, preferably with a non-transferable to be included in the sealed envelope with the texts and statements, made payable to: Ivano Mugnaini, or by postal order to Ivano Mugnaini - via Sections , 4348 - City Bargecchia - 55040 Corsanico (LU), indicating reference: "Competition Life in Prose." It 'also possible sending cash through a letter (preferably insured or registered) addressed to the same address listed above.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules in all its points.
The correct message is received and files, and the subsequent entry to the competition, will be notified via e-mail to all competitors.
The names of winners will be announced on the website Dedalus, on different portals and web Puntoacapo literary publishing.
regarding any requests for more information, send an e-mail: .
Bottle Boat With Baking Soda And Vinegar
The Wall Street Journal reports that more than 25% of children and American adolescents regularly take at least a medicine for a chronic disease . and 7% even assume two or more .
But if 1 / 4 of those who represent the future of the United States was really sick, it would be a huge problem. But no, is business.
pills for high blood pressure, anti-cholesterol, drops to sleep and sleeping pills, antipsychotics, antidepressants ...
All medicines prescribed by pediatricians now in widespread use by minors!
All medicines that until recently were considered the exclusive preserve of adults and that demonstrate ways of life completely wrong.
And despite being proven that the side effects found in adults and children are not always the same, many of these drugs have not even been tested specifically for pediatric use.
Among the side effects sometimes seen in children include depression, melancholy, slow growth ...
Italian boys and Europeans are not so different from American ones, but doctors and pediatricians "local" are much more careful in prescribing medicines to children. We hope that we remain the case.
Business is business, but it would be better than the drug companies would sell candy.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Walking Poles Long Distance
After the success achieved in 2010 con il Concorso di Poesia “L’Olocausto”, il comune di Coreno Ausonio (Frosinone) bandisce il secondo Concorso Nazionale di Poesia inedita, sul tema, quest’anno, in cui cade in centocinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia, “ Da un popolo a una nazione ”.
Fermo restando il tema, i partecipanti potranno esprimersi in modo libero e personale anche per il contenuto che può essere visto sia come fenomeno unitario nel suo complesso sia in un’altra fase o vicenda della sua realizzazione.
I partecipanti dovranno inviare in busta chiusa una poesia, su carta e se possibile su cd-rom o floppy in file multimediale word, al seguente indirizzo: Comune di Coreno Ausonio - Assessorato alla Cultura e Coordinamento Eventi e Manifestazioni - Concorso Nazionale di Poesia, Piazza Umberto I, 1 - 03040 Coreno Ausonio (FR). Le poesie, corredate della scheda di iscrizione compilata in ogni sua parte, dovranno pervenire entro il 18 febbraio 2011.
Non è prevista nessuna tassa di lettura. La Giuria è composta da Tommaso Lisi (Presidente), Domenico Adriano, Maria Benedetta Cerro, Amerigo Iannacone, Filippo Palatta. La premiazione, che prevede la presenza obbligatoria dei vincitori, avverrà il 26 marzo 2011 nella sala polivalente del Comune di Coreno Ausonio, in occasione della Celebrazione dei 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia. Al vincitore sarà assegnato il premio di € 300,00 (trecento/00), al secondo € 200,00 (duecento/00) e al terzo € 100,00 (cento/00). A carico del Comune le spese di vitto e alloggio e le spese di viaggio dei vincitori del concorso. Le poesie dei vincitori, con altre ritenute valide, saranno inserite in un’apposita antologia che sarà presentata in concomitanza con la cerimonia di premiazione.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Maxine At The Computer Cartoons
E’ alquanto insolito trovare tanta buona letteratura in autori che nella vita, per professione, si occupano di tutt’altro, di argomenti e di materie diverse, dominate dalla fredda logica della fisica e dell’ingegneria. E’ il caso, emblematico sotto certi aspetti, Maureen Picariello of , hydraulic and environmental engineer, but knows very well express their creativity especially in the fields of literature, and especially in poetry and in fiction now, with this beautiful novel called "Before everything happened ". But perhaps, as also stated the proper Paolo Saggese in his critical note, Picariello, more than any other, has this gift of being able to transfuse their technical and professional skills, in the hot realm of fiction and poetry, drawing on nature, and love and deep respect for it, the inspiration and creative. Sensitive, therefore, both timely and accurate nella sua vita professionale quanto nella vita affettiva e di relazione. E persona completa, alfine, perché capace di integrare l’aspetto materiale della natura con l’emotività e il sentimento, propri della sfera umana e spirituale.
Non poteva ad un certo punto esimersi, quindi, il nostro bravo autore avellinese, dallo scrivere una storia molto particolare, positiva, emozionante, profondamente segnata da alti valori morali e umani, quali l’unione familiare, l’amore, la genuinità e la bontà d’animo. Si tratta di un lungo racconto, che di per sé non presenta tratti narrativi eclatanti, con sorprese o bruschi ed oscuri meandri che a volte rendono più intricata l’interpretazione; Indeed, the story flows smoothly and satisfies the reader, but not the story is less complex, because the intention of Picariello is to emphasize a world that, despite its human normal, "beyond" touching the highest echelons of the extrasensory. One speaks of the protagonist, Lorenzo, who has this gift of foresight and the ability to "read" the state of mental and physical health of those who stand by, just watching his "golden" or shaking hands. It is not magic, nor mystification: Loredana is aware of his psychic abilities, he learns a little at a time, but lives with joy and calmly, avoiding to become a classic freak. In fact, his talent is almost angelic, suffused with a deep religious and mystical atmosphere. She has a powerful look and reassuring, is able to make peace with the family returning to the right path for her beloved brother who was lost in drugs, even manages to fall in love.
Everything takes place in Avellino in a period from the birth of Lorenzo in 1960, until that fateful 23 November 80, when the catastrophe occurred which, unfortunately, we all remember the earthquake that devastated much of the Irpinia and the South. The earthquake is the final part of the long story, since everything is prepared to lead, together spiritual growth and human Loredana, the final event, in which the protagonist is revealed in its fullness, in her angelic heroism.
It 's a story well written, clean and delicious, based on that "before everything happened " finale, which portends something mysterious, almost divine intervention but in the normality of life and sacrifices made with honesty of purpose . Picariello wanted to propose then this slice of life Avellino of the two decades preceding the earthquake, investigating with his excellent narrative experience on the many social events involving a human and Loretta, his family and acquaintances, and presenting the facts so polite and cheerful, always keeping the reader's attention. Love is a universal value and in this aspect shines Picariello evident throughout the novel is permeated with it. Moreover, even in poetry Picariello demonstrates a great ability to create poems inspired by precious love (see the latest collection in this regard: " Beggar of Love"), but without falling nell'ovvietà, and boosting this sacred feeling and proposing in its various aspects. A writer full, we said, which has the merit of being clear and purposeful in all its expressive techniques.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Scooter Cigarette Lighter Socket
After the revelry of the celebration, a check up and a chiropractic treatment perhaps what it takes.
We begin 2011 with a short video explains that in just seven minutes What is Chiropractic , what it does, who needs , acts as ... and in Italian!
Enjoy and Happy New Year again!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Battery Operated Freezer
Prima che qualche idiota dica qualche stronzata, quella non e’ una croce, ma il kanji di 10.
Ah-hem. koff- coff- snrrrt SPUT! - buonasera. e’ da tanto che non scrivevo niente sul blog, o meglio da tanto che non scrivevo niente di decente che valeva la pena di essere letto dai miGliardi di appassionati che vivono, respirano, ma soprattutto sudano, manga.
Oggi vorrei parlarvi di un manga di una categoria che potra’ surprise, a category risky, uncharted territory that touches that only a wicked and perverse mind can 'dare to achieve. I speak of course, the comedy romance.
Ken Akamatsu, you're an idiot that deserves to be trampled by thousands of Dutch clogs on a floor vetronite chipped.
said these brief little words about the author, we begin to talk about the manga.
14 volumes of comedy 'good, although in some places and' really forced, I do not know where to get the fourteenth volume by force or just 'cause you wanted to beat more' the leading role.
The story is about a boy who 2 years has failed the university entrance test ', that strange, especially CASUAL circumstances, becomes manager of a women's dorm, where he met his aunt, the girls crazy, and the first love of his life.
Good or bad as always in this kind of manga all the girls, character development in a very articulate and pleasant, the hero will fall in love with him but 'has already' in mind by both his girlfriend, who is going to state 'towards the end of the twelfth volume, wildly making out on the beach. (Lucky bastard)
designs are well-sketched, detailed and with that little bit of comedy that does not clash as a whole, indeed it stands out as chibi and funny faces with the defibrillator. ah no, it was funny faces with cardboard on the nose.
the final and 'pulled too long, but can' go so well ', although you could end up with 12 vol.
All in all, and 'a cornerstone of this kind, and truly deserves to be read (this is called a run from 1999 to 2001)
Plot ( ******* ***)
Drawings ( ********* *)
Originality '( **** ******)
Characters ( ********** )
Total ( ********/ *)