Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maxine At The Computer Cartoons

Before all happen: the novel by Maureen Picariello

E’ alquanto insolito trovare tanta buona letteratura in autori che nella vita, per professione, si occupano di tutt’altro, di argomenti e di materie diverse, dominate dalla fredda logica della fisica e dell’ingegneria. E’ il caso, emblematico sotto certi aspetti, Maureen Picariello of , hydraulic and environmental engineer, but knows very well express their creativity especially in the fields of literature, and especially in poetry and in fiction now, with this beautiful novel called "Before everything happened ". But perhaps, as also stated the proper Paolo Saggese in his critical note, Picariello, more than any other, has this gift of being able to transfuse their technical and professional skills, in the hot realm of fiction and poetry, drawing on nature, and love and deep respect for it, the inspiration and creative. Sensitive, therefore, both timely and accurate nella sua vita professionale quanto nella vita affettiva e di relazione. E persona completa, alfine, perché capace di integrare l’aspetto materiale della natura con l’emotività e il sentimento, propri della sfera umana e spirituale.
Non poteva ad un certo punto esimersi, quindi, il nostro bravo autore avellinese, dallo scrivere una storia molto particolare, positiva, emozionante, profondamente segnata da alti valori morali e umani, quali l’unione familiare, l’amore, la genuinità e la bontà d’animo. Si tratta di un lungo racconto, che di per sé non presenta tratti narrativi eclatanti, con sorprese o bruschi ed oscuri meandri che a volte rendono più intricata l’interpretazione; Indeed, the story flows smoothly and satisfies the reader, but not the story is less complex, because the intention of Picariello is to emphasize a world that, despite its human normal, "beyond" touching the highest echelons of the extrasensory. One speaks of the protagonist, Lorenzo, who has this gift of foresight and the ability to "read" the state of mental and physical health of those who stand by, just watching his "golden" or shaking hands. It is not magic, nor mystification: Loredana is aware of his psychic abilities, he learns a little at a time, but lives with joy and calmly, avoiding to become a classic freak. In fact, his talent is almost angelic, suffused with a deep religious and mystical atmosphere. She has a powerful look and reassuring, is able to make peace with the family returning to the right path for her beloved brother who was lost in drugs, even manages to fall in love.
Everything takes place in Avellino in a period from the birth of Lorenzo in 1960, until that fateful 23 November 80, when the catastrophe occurred which, unfortunately, we all remember the earthquake that devastated much of the Irpinia and the South. The earthquake is the final part of the long story, since everything is prepared to lead, together spiritual growth and human Loredana, the final event, in which the protagonist is revealed in its fullness, in her angelic heroism.
It 's a story well written, clean and delicious, based on that "before everything happened " finale, which portends something mysterious, almost divine intervention but in the normality of life and sacrifices made with honesty of purpose . Picariello wanted to propose then this slice of life Avellino of the two decades preceding the earthquake, investigating with his excellent narrative experience on the many social events involving a human and Loretta, his family and acquaintances, and presenting the facts so polite and cheerful, always keeping the reader's attention. Love is a universal value and in this aspect shines Picariello evident throughout the novel is permeated with it. Moreover, even in poetry Picariello demonstrates a great ability to create poems inspired by precious love (see the latest collection in this regard: " Beggar of Love"), but without falling nell'ovvietà, and boosting this sacred feeling and proposing in its various aspects. A writer full, we said, which has the merit of being clear and purposeful in all its expressive techniques.

Maurizio Picariello, "Before everything happened " novel. Edizioni Il Papavero, 2010.

Maurizio Picariello, "Beggar love" poems. Edizioni Il Papavero, 2010

Joseph Vetromile



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