Friday, January 14, 2011

Causes Of Excessive Gas For Days

Manga Reader 十一

Oh, buonsalve, and happy 2011 to everyone. How? I had already 'posted in 2011? And then? I wished him good year? No. So shut up, do not break the bales, and so that is going to start.

rather no, before an appointment. Panini Comics, starcomics I hate you. You can not make me start by February things like To-LOVE-Ru (good), Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! (But go, but come on, but who you are but who they are!) And Ane Doki (MA GO! BUT COME! BUT WHO ARE YOU! BUT WHO SONOOO!) Without a minimum notice. one can not 'enjoy it. And so. : 3

Today I would like to talk about a particular manga slightly, in the sense that 'a Shojo-Ai. Treat the love of girls, including girls. Spotted yuri, but only that Zinzin that makes it more 'pleasant: Q_


Manga very smooth, quite well designed in relation to the author's previous works, there is an evolutionary process, much of his stroke, and this 'can not that make me happy. Chibi classic, great expressions embarrassed, very good script.

History and 'focusing on two girls, who know each other before and total strangers as they pass the time their relationship will become', as if to say much more 'friendly.

I was a bit 'suspicious about the subject, but given my (positive? Perverse? Sick?) Available read shojo, I found this really nice manga.

The plot and 'linear, pleasant, with the main characters well developed, with all their anxieties, worries, fantasies ...

the final' even if it leaves just a bit 'dry mouth, as if to say, again, I want more. It could go a little ', maybe putting a couple of scenes in piu'.

Pity, would have a vote even more 'high. (And not just for the fact that the protagonist in the end had the hairstyle I like, eh.)

Plot ( ******* ***)
Drawings ( ****** ** **)
Originalita’ ( ******* ***)
Personaggi ( ********* *)
Totale ( ******** **)


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