1. The Philharmonic Society " Peter Borgognoni " Pistoia promotes the 44th National Poetry Prize in Italian.
2. The photographs may be published or unpublished but never won other contests. Each entrant may submit up to a maximum of three poems on any subject, each no more than 40 lines.
3. Poetry first place will receive the sum of € 800 with the silver medal of the President of the Republic. At the second € 500, the third € 400, € 300 in the fourth and fifth € 200. Will also reported five poems by many authors and five others there will be an honorable mention.
4. They can not compete for the top prize winners in the last ten editions of the same. The winners and reported the five most recent editions may participate but do not achieve a result equal to or less than the previous one. A winner will be notified and offered lunch (the day of ceremony) and overnight (the day before), extendable to another person, and prizes handed representation and works of painters Pistoia. Holders of honorable mention will be a commemorative medal.
5. The poems competing in six legible copies and distributed in many cases, must be received by the date at the address given. The material sent after this date will be invalidated. The name and address of the sender's full postal code and telephone number must be indicated at the bottom of one copy. In the same package must be received by way of fee, the sum of € 15 in cash, by check "Payable to me", check or money order (in the latter case you should attach a photocopy of the payment).
6. The outcome of the event will be available on the websites / awards and addition to those directly affected will be communicated to those who will esplicita richiesta alla conclusione dei lavori.
7. La premiazione avrà luogo nella Sala Maggiore del Palazzo comunale di Pistoia domenica 12 giugno 2011 alle ore 11.00. I presenti potranno ritirare gratuitamente il volumetto contenente le poesie premiate e segnalate, i giudizi di merito e i nominativi dei membri della giuria. Questo volumetto sarà inviato, fino ad esaurimento della disponibilità, a coloro che aggiungeranno una libera offerta alla quota di partecipazione.
8. Gli elaborati non verranno in alcun modo restituiti. I premi dovranno essere ritirati dai vincitori o dai loro delegati nel corso della premiazione. Quelli non ritirati resteranno a disposizione della giuria per le future edizioni.
9. La partecipazione al Premio implica ovviamente acceptance of all the clauses of this Regulation.
2. The photographs may be published or unpublished but never won other contests. Each entrant may submit up to a maximum of three poems on any subject, each no more than 40 lines.
3. Poetry first place will receive the sum of € 800 with the silver medal of the President of the Republic. At the second € 500, the third € 400, € 300 in the fourth and fifth € 200. Will also reported five poems by many authors and five others there will be an honorable mention.
4. They can not compete for the top prize winners in the last ten editions of the same. The winners and reported the five most recent editions may participate but do not achieve a result equal to or less than the previous one. A winner will be notified and offered lunch (the day of ceremony) and overnight (the day before), extendable to another person, and prizes handed representation and works of painters Pistoia. Holders of honorable mention will be a commemorative medal.
5. The poems competing in six legible copies and distributed in many cases, must be received by the date at the address given. The material sent after this date will be invalidated. The name and address of the sender's full postal code and telephone number must be indicated at the bottom of one copy. In the same package must be received by way of fee, the sum of € 15 in cash, by check "Payable to me", check or money order (in the latter case you should attach a photocopy of the payment).
6. The outcome of the event will be available on the websites / awards and addition to those directly affected will be communicated to those who will esplicita richiesta alla conclusione dei lavori.
7. La premiazione avrà luogo nella Sala Maggiore del Palazzo comunale di Pistoia domenica 12 giugno 2011 alle ore 11.00. I presenti potranno ritirare gratuitamente il volumetto contenente le poesie premiate e segnalate, i giudizi di merito e i nominativi dei membri della giuria. Questo volumetto sarà inviato, fino ad esaurimento della disponibilità, a coloro che aggiungeranno una libera offerta alla quota di partecipazione.
8. Gli elaborati non verranno in alcun modo restituiti. I premi dovranno essere ritirati dai vincitori o dai loro delegati nel corso della premiazione. Quelli non ritirati resteranno a disposizione della giuria per le future edizioni.
9. La partecipazione al Premio implica ovviamente acceptance of all the clauses of this Regulation.
The winners of the 43rd. 2010 edition of the Prize Borgognoni:
Vetromile 1, Joseph, Mary Arch. 2 nd Carla Baroni, Ferrara. 3 ° Baldassi Francesco, Rome. 4 ° Daniela Raimondi, London. 5 ° Fulvio Fedele, Alexandria.
Vetromile 1, Joseph, Mary Arch. 2 nd Carla Baroni, Ferrara. 3 ° Baldassi Francesco, Rome. 4 ° Daniela Raimondi, London. 5 ° Fulvio Fedele, Alexandria.
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