The second edition of the 2011 Competition "Life in Prose"
National Competition Narrative
Second Edition, 2011
Deadline March 31, 2011
The competition involves the selection of unpublished writings prose (stories, letters, considerations, tracks diary and any other creative text written in prose).
Periodically some of the best books received will also be included, regardless of what will be the final standings of the competition in the online magazine DEDALUS courses, competitions, literary texts and contexts of flight, . The site DEDALUS are preceded by an explanatory statement, lyrics, prose and critical perspectives of some of the most significant voices of contemporary literary scene. Have been published, among others, Antonella Anedda, Alberto Bertoni, Biagio Cepollaro, Maura Del Serra, Gabriela Fanta, Farabbi Anna Maria, Anna Maria Ferramosca, Mauro Ferrari, Luigi Fontanella, Alessandra Paganardi, Alessandro Polcri, Maria Pia Quintavalla, Massimo Scrignoli, Valeria Serofilli, Antonio Spagnuolo, Paolo Valesio, Viola Amarelli, e molti altri. Per una visione completa degli autori pubblicati, tutti degni di una menzione che per ragioni di spazio non è possibile proporre qui, si consiglia di visionare direttamente il sito .
La Giuria del Concorso è composta da IVANO MUGNAINI (scrittore, direttore della collana di narrativa di puntoacapo Editrice), MAURO FERRARI (poeta, critico, direttore editoriale di puntocapo Editrice), VALERIA SEROFILLI (scrittrice, presidente del Premio Astrolabio), ADRIAN BRAVI (scrittore), ALESSANDRA PAGANARDI (scrittrice, contributor to national literary journals), Robert Hare (writer) and Daniel RAIMONDI (poet and writer), will evaluate all letters received and finally to propose puntoacapo publishing a list of finalists, including three winners.
Work winners will be published by Editrice puntoacapo, . The volume contains their stories will be a lot of room and will have a valid promotion through the Publishing mailing-list and all channels of information deemed useful and effective.
authors who have submitted to the Competition Life in Poetry books considered attractive may be proposed as the critical presentation of the work with which they participated, or others, already published, at the historic Caffè literary dell'Ussero of Pisa, or at the Villa Corliano, San Giuliano Terme (PI) as part of literary events sponsored by the "hussars Culture, appointments which have been inhabited in recent months some of the most significant voices of contemporary poetry and prose.
Beyond the final outcome of the competition, in addition, the Jury may decide to report to puntoacapo publishing a limited number of works considered worthy.
the authors of this work may also be offered placement in the first volume of "DEDALUS: Journal of Contemporary Fiction" real "directory" of Italian fiction.
RULES 'TO ENTER: The authors
interested should send their texts by March 31, 2011. Participants can send one to three stories, letters, diary entries or creative prose, any theme and length between two and ten pages for each text file in Word format via an attachment to an e- mail addressed to: , with the subject of the message: "Life in Prose Contest.
author's personal data (name, address, telephone, mobile and e-mail address ) should be reported only in the message body, not in the file. Must also be accompanied by a statement that: "The lyrics are unusual and creative staff of the Authority authorizing the processing of personal data under Decree number 196/2003 in the competition LIFE IN THE THEATRE".
Please also send a fee to be sent free to an extent, preferably with a non-transferable to be included in the sealed envelope with the texts and statements, made payable to: Ivano Mugnaini, or by postal order to Ivano Mugnaini - via Sections , 4348 - City Bargecchia - 55040 Corsanico (LU), indicating reference: "Competition Life in Prose." It 'also possible sending cash through a letter (preferably insured or registered) addressed to the same address listed above.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules in all its points.
The correct message is received and files, and the subsequent entry to the competition, will be notified via e-mail to all competitors.
The names of winners will be announced on the website Dedalus, on different portals and web Puntoacapo literary publishing.
regarding any requests for more information, send an e-mail: .
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