Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Wedding Vote Of Thanks Sample

Men, ko back to fashion and hi-tech

Maxi borse, gadget elettronici e perfino il portafoglio sono fattori di rischio per la salute della colonna
di Alice Vigna
dal Corriere del 13/12/10

Finora si era sempre pensato che fosse roba da donne  fashion victim : tacchi alti, ballerine rasoterra,  shopping bag ricolme di oggetti di ogni genere e poi, alla sera, ecco il consueto mal di schiena. Invece, pure gli uomini (non pochi) mettono a rischio la salute della schiena perché "schiacciati" dal peso della moda e dei tanti gadget elettronici che non rinunciano a portarsi dietro per essere sempre "connessi".

sedentary lifestyle and posture - The warning comes from the last congress of Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology , during which it was provided estimates of the number of Italian men who for their back pain must thank netbook and iPad , inadequate shoes or wallets crammed : two million men struggling with a back pain caused by the habit of always being fashionable or the need to stay connected . But the wrong accessories are just the straw that breaks the camel's back, as explained by the co-chairman of the Congress SIOT Vincent Money, "the wrong shoes or excessive weight are critical if associated with physical inactivity and poor posture that alter the physiological curvature of the spine, overloading and wearing out the discs. Discs dehydrate and collapse, causing back pain. But that is reversible back to correct posture and increase physical activity, perhaps through a global posture rehabilitation, you can resolve the back pain. A covenant to act in a timely manner, just appears. "

SHOES AND PORTFOLIO - We start from the shoes often do not have forms or comfortable anatomical footbeds. Result, foot for most of the time "Need" to support incorrect and is affected throughout the skeletal system, including back . Five hundred thousand Italians, according SIOT suffer from back pain because they are forced to "twist" in the column to compensate for the bad posture due to shoes. And there is also the problem of portfolio: some time ago, in England, the orthopedic have coined the term "syndrome back pocket" just to define back pain that comes from keeping their pants bulky wallets. If you take off when you sit down, especially if you're a long sitting in the office or car, portfolio can compress the sciatic nerve causing back pain and lack of sensation in the legs.

BAGS AND PC - In most cases, however, back problems stem from men's bags and shoulder bags are too heavy: Many models are heavy in themselves, then they are loaded with laptops, notebooks, smartphones, netbooks or iPad. A next-generation mobile phone weighs in at 250 grams, the lightest netbook does not weigh less than 700 grams, and so the iPad, notebooks, ranging from 2.3 pounds up, then there are the power supplies, an average of 200 grams each . "The result, they can easily get beyond the five pounds that then rests on the shoulders, maybe for most of the day if you travel often, good for the back: bags to carry over the shoulder to avoid the risk, should never weigh over i due chili - spiega Paolo Palombi, co-presidente del congresso SIOT -. Anche le borse per i portatili sono molto pesanti, dovrebbero essere tenute a tracolla e non con una sola mano per non sbilanciare la colonna vertebrale e portate per il minor tempo possibile . E attenzione alla postura quando si naviga online con i piccoli netbook o con l'iPad : la loro maneggevolezza fa sì che molti li utilizzino nelle posizioni più svariate, stando sdraiati, semi-coricati sul divano o altro: per non facilitare la comparsa di lombalgia sarebbe invece opportuno usarli da seduti, mantenendo sempre la schiena dritta e le spalle rilassate».


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